┏°⌜ 078: No regrets

Start from the beginning


There was a long silence again. You still looked at the ground, but you could feel his gaze. It was intimidating and scary kinda.

"Come here."
He demanded suddenly, his voice cold

His strange demand surprised you, and you gave him an puzzled look as you tilted your head slightly in confusion

"Did I stutter?"

You gulped again, your cheeks starting to burn. Well, here goes nothing.
Hesitantly you walked to him, now standing in front of him as he was still sitting on his chair, looking up to you.

As you just stood there, the brunette simply patted his hand on his lap, signaling you to sit down on his lap.

"Uh... you want me to sit on you?"
You blushed, giving him a puzzled look again

He just raised an eyebrow again, looking at you like how can you not understand such a simple demand


"O-okay... got it."
Hesitantly you did what he wanted, sitting down on his lap, facing him.

Jaeger then just looked at you for a while, his expression unreadable.
The silence stretched between the two of you, broken only by the ticking clock in the background.
Eren's intense gaze bore into yours, causing your blush to deepen. You shifted uncomfortably on his lap, feeling a mix of nerves and curiosity.

"Are you still thinking about your connection with Ymir? That she is your sis-"

"Please don't say it."
You interrupted him, avoiding eyecontact as feeling slightly uncomfortable
"Don't say it out loud that she is my-"

Eren's grip tightened slightly, and he leaned in closer, his voice barely above a whisper

"I am sorry. But... are you still thinking about her?"

Your face was heating up even more. He was so close... too close.
This is making you even more nervous and it shows.
Swallowing nervously, you mustered the courage to respond.
"Y-yes I d-do..."

Before you could delve further into your thoughts, Eren's hands slid around your waist, pulling you closer to him. The proximity between you sent a jolt of electricity through your body, making your heart race.

"Is there anything I can do to help you? Or..."
Jaeger spoke in a serious yet soft tone, glaring at you while he pulled you even closer very slowly.
"...distract you maybe?"

You couldn't think straight anymore, even starting to sweat a little. What is he doing? Your face is red like a tomato now... literally
"What is this about Eren? A-are you trying to seduce me here???"

He was not responding right away, instead he was analyzing your face closely, looking at every single facial feature of yours.
"It was a simple question. If you say I am trying to seduce you here it actually already gives me an answer what you want. Talking is obviously not helping, no?"

"Are you drunk again?"
Your eyebrows furrowed, trying to get your embarrassment and heart rate under control

"Are you blind? Of course I am not."
He leaned his back at his chair again, his hands still resting on your waist
"Now answer the question, l/n. How can I help you?"

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