𝐷𝑜 𝑜𝑟 𝐷𝑖𝑒

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You had to make the move now. It was now or never. Everyday there'd be people dying, their houses burning to the ground. Men, women, and children suffering. It was time to get back what was yours.

The other demon slayers had gotten their uniforms on. Some have received their nichirin swords back from improvements and upgrades that the sword smith village had provided. Tanjiro had told you about them and how they were the makers of everyone's Nichirin blade. It fascinated you how they could create such weapons with destruction, yet create such beauty.

You walked to back into the main hall with Tanjiro's haori ready for him. The others were getting ready as well. He held his nichirin sword holstered to his side. His locks of shiny burgundy hair tousled as he made his way towards you.

"I brought you your haori." You held out the folded clothing towards him. He thanked you and took it gratefully. He adjusted it a little before smiling your way, only it wasn't his usual smile he'd gift you everyday, but a forced one.

"Tanjiro," Nezuko called to her eldest brother. "Let's meet up with the others."

Tanjiro nodded to her. "Nezuko, can I wait back for a moment with Y/n? I want to speak with her alone for a moment."

Nezuko hesitated, looking between his worried looking eyes and your perplexed gaze. She then gave Tanjiro a firm nod of her head and urged the others to follow behind. The faint sound of warriors suiting up echoed out through as the door opened.

Giyuu closed it with his hand and left the both of you alone.

You stared into his ruby eyes. "Tanjiro?"

He took your hands in his. "Listen, I—I can't help but worry about you. I love you with all that I am, and to have something happen to you, I don't know what I'd do."

"Hey hey, listen..." you came in, squeezing his calloused palms back. "Tanjiro, you and everyone else has taught me how to fight. You taught me how to fight. If anything, I know that I'm stronger than our enemy. I can feel it in me, and in everyone."

"I know... I just—I've lost people I care about. I can't lose you too. I love you."

"Tanjiro," You said. "I promise you, we will make it through this. I swear on my very soul."

He smiled hopefully. Raising his hands up to cup your cheeks. "How am I so lucky to have someone so kind and beautiful?"

You took his wrists into your grasp. Grinning warmly. "I should be asking you the same thing."

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