𝑃𝑎𝑠𝑡 𝐿𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑠

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"Where were you?"

Oh shit...

Your heart skipped a beat. You've been caught by your friend Cho as she stood there with her arms crossed. Looking at you like a mother had caught her child stealing cookies.

You gulped and made a small hand wave. "Uhmm... hey Cho."

"Y/n! Don't you know how dangerous it is out there!" She pointed furiously outside your window towards the dark forest. "Do you not remember what happened to that... prostitute?! You could've died! And I don't know what I'd do without you."

"Cho I'm alright, really!" You reassured her as best you could. You could tell she was freaking out, and guilt stung your heart like a thousand knives. You could tell she wasn't buying it, yet you could already tell that she was acting more like herself now that Lin was leaving her alone—as far as you knew anyways.

"Cho I promise." You came over and grabbed her hands gently, looking into her eyes. "I'm okay. In fact, I'm more okay than anything."

"Well that's good to hear." She whispered; being careful as to not try and wake other people who could be sleeping or doing God knows what.

"So, Uhmm... wanna tell me why you were acting so giggly like you're drunk?"

Your cheeks flared up into a bright red, causing you to look down bashfully.

You stifled a laugh as you felt yourself smiling again. "It's a long story."

"Oh do tell!" She gasped quietly and plopped onto your large bed.

"It's gonna come as a shock."


"I'm telling you this because I trust you." You started. "I've been... seeing someone."

"Wait... is that why you were gone?"

"No Cho, I went out to fight the beast myself— of course that's why silly!" *****

You both giggled as quietly as possible.

"So, who is it?"

"A boy."

"A bOy?!" She gasped. "Y/n... you know you're supposed to be with Lin, right?"

You huffed. "Yeah... I know."

"How long?"

"Since I came back."

Cho slapped her hands on her cheeks and looked down with wide eyes. She exhaled loudly and rubbed her temples.

"That's a long time."


"Do you love him?"


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