𝐵𝑜𝑟𝑛 𝑡𝑜 𝑅𝑖𝑑𝑒

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Who's that? A man thought as he set down his papers and trudged towards the window. He slid them open and looked down to see three men charging down on three Lusitano horses. The man figured that this type of breed had come from the palace, since these were a breed from Portugal. His crow in a cage squawked loudly a couple times as the hooves echoed in the town.

"I have come to announce important words regarding his Majesty's wishes!" Shouted one of the guards who wore a leather vest and purple trim underneath.

People had begun to flood from their houses. Men, women, and children, all looking in confusion. The mothers holding their children close, hoping that the King woke up on the right side of the bed.

"The King has requested that all citizens are open to search of their homes for the princess L/n." The messenger announced. "Anyone who fails to comply will have their homes burned to the ground."

Whispers erupted through all the crowd of people. Girls and boys clutching to the sides of their mothers. Men offering themselves as shields for them.

It was just then that more guards had come through behind the messenger and began to get off their horses. They began to shove past people and bust open doors. Screams from everyone began to erupt in the town. Glass breaking and wooden being snapped.

The man in the window grew wide eyes. This is all for the princess. I have to warn her; the king knows she's alive.

Just then, the door behind him through his office burst open. Guards came crashing through with swords and began to open drawers, move his futon, and throw papers back behind them.

One particular one came through, resting his hand upon the hilt of his katana. A bright amethyst on the end. His armor consisted of high quality steel with chains all over. The crest of the Yakaki Clan forged onto the front plate of his armor. This must be the commander of the guards.

"Well well, nice to meet our jeweler, Hiso Saichi."

Hiso bowed his head deeply. "The honor is mine."

The commander stepped forward and scanned the office around him. "Where is your ledger?"


"Your ledger. Don't make me say it twice." He glared down at him. Hiso kept quiet as his crow continued to squawk endlessly.

The commander snarled. "You should put that thing down!"

"He's and old friend I've had since I was at start of my teen years." Said Hiso as he rummaged through his drawers for the business ledger. "He gets nervous around newcomers."

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