𝐴𝑙𝑙 𝑇ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠 𝑊𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝑅𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑎𝑙

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The afternoon had arrived quickly. You had been so focused in what you had read in the library; questions filling your mind like a an endless bottle of wine continuing to spill into an overflowing glass.

This was all you could think about, and the fact that Tanjiro was perhaps one of the Oni in that book, but another question remained on your mind:

It Tanjiro is a demon, then how come he never attacked me? Why would he kill one of his own kind?

You couldn't think at all, the afternoon flew by so fast that Cho next to you had to remind you of the times now at hand.

"Y/n... are you sure you're alright?" Cho asked, snapping you from your thoughts.

You looked over at her and felt a tinge of pink cover your cheeks out of embarrassment. "Yeah, I'm sorry, there's just been a lot on my mind."

"I can tell, you've been up in the clouds all day basically." You slapped your hands over your face in humiliation. Cho widened her eyes and bowed to you. "I'm sorry! I shouldn't have said that to you!"

"No no no! Cho you're fine! You're more than just a maid, you're my lady, and my friend." You reasoned to keep her from bowing again.

She apologized to you once again.

"And don't apologize."

"Sorr—" Cho didn't finish what she was gonna say when you raised a brow on her, crossed your arms, and smirked.

She pressed her lips into a fine line to keep herself from doing it again. "Yes, Y/n."

You smiled and wrapped your arm around hers, going down to walk the halls of the palace with a grin upon your face.

"I'm gonna miss you, mother."

The day had finally come when your mother was to leave for China. She was traveling along with Lin's father back to his homeland to discuss the terms of an arranged marriage for both you and Lin.

You're mother stood outside of the carriage and hugged you tightly in her warm arms; a handkerchief in her right hand that had the kingdom's crest engraved on the corner in red and gold.

"I'm gonna miss you too, my darling daughter." She whispered in a motherly love. Your mother never really had a tone like that, but it made you happy hearing her harmonic voice say those words to you.

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