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"We'll see about that."

Tanjiro narrowed his eyes down at the man who dared to enter here. Your brows were furrowed with confusion, as well as fear. Tanjiro warned you to run when he said so. Who could this man be? Was it someone of the Yakaki Clan? Or was this something entirely different?

The man then lunged forward and roared like a dead man had come back from the dead. Tanjiro narrowed his eyes slightly. He then took this chance to grab you from behind and throw himself the other way, while you shut your eyes.

You both landed on the ground and felt the cold ground beneath your back as his body was on top of yours. Your eyes were wide as he had his head turned in the direction of the insane man who attempted to attack you both.

The man growled lowly and snapped his head towards the two. He grunted. "That's not fair! I'm hungry! Go find you're own meal."

"This isn't a meal... this is a human who deserves to live." Tanjiro stood back up as you sat upright. Just what the hell is going on? Right then, weird objects ripped out of Tanjiro's back. They looked like spines and red whips that were the color of blood. You grew horrified at this and eyes stricken with terror. His nails grew longer and longer like that of sharp claws. The spines and whips flowed around. The man grew horrified at this.

"Y/n, run— now!" Tanjiro yelled. You hesitated for a moment, but when you looked at both of them, you stood back up and scurried off past the brush, back to where your home was.

"Learn a lesson and don't eat humans. They deserve to live." He hissed. "Leave now, and I'll spare you. Don't do this, and I'll kill you."

The man's eyes were wide, but they soon faded and narrowed down at Tanjiro for a split second. He then took off towards the same path you went down.

The redhead wasted no time in dashing off straight for the man.

You ran and you ran. Your very life depended on it. You never ran so fast in your entire life. You never had something to desperately worry about such as this, the guards at the palace were here to protect the royal family, and if anyone was caught, they were taken away and never had to deal with them again. Now, well that's a different story entirely.

It also wasn't helping when your kimono was getting caught in branches sticking out. You winced when a branch wiped by your right cheek, it then began to sting.

"I'm coming for you!" The man shouted a ways behind you. You gasped under your breath and kept running. You were so scared and terrified. So much had happened within a couple seconds, you had a hard time registering it. But your brain was now because you knew something was behind you, and you had to run as fast as possible.

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