Chapter 48 - Déjà vu

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«Aw, thank you, E.» Shying away, she laughed at my compliment as she stepped back, not wanting to take it for being the truth. «I hope you see how good you did yourself. This was a good script, and you made it better. Excellent, actually.»

«Thank you..» Itching my neck, I took my own pill of doubt. «Now, what's your plan for the summer?» I smiled curiously.

«Gregory and I are heading home to New York in just a few days. Mostly, we want to spend time with family, and we're picking up a cat and a dog before we go—growing our family.» Opening her purse, she fetched out her lipstick, applying it while continuing to talk—sounding goofy as she concentrated on looking in a hand mirror she, to my surprise, also carried with her. Did her purse have a second invisible compartment I didn't know about? I knew women carried mystery bags, but I didn't realize they brought their whole bathroom in there, as well as a pharmacy and a makeshift pop-up office if needed. «So... The offer of you and Sal joining us for dinner tomorrow still stands. It would be so lovely. I want to meet her, E.»

Judy gave no rest to her persuasive, eloquent trait. Sal was coming over with Red today to spend a few days with me in Hollywood. See the sights and watch a few exclusive early screenings of pictures I was allowed to see. All of them showed during night time. Being mobbed by fans couldn't be avoided if we went in daylight.

«Sounds both lovely and wild—both a cat and a dog?» I chuckled, making her laugh with me. «We'll let you know by the end of the day.» I smiled crookedly, winking at her nonchalantly.

«Good.» She nodded markedly, pouting her lips at her reflection. A sharp smack surfaced as she closed her folded-out mirror and smiled at me.

«Great.» I followed up, giving her a wave before heading off to say my goodbyes to the next person.

◌ ◌ ◌

She ran to me, not away this time. Important detail right there, if I could say so myself.

Red had rolled up to the back entrance of the Hollywood studio, closed in by rocketing fences and other buildings. Grinning like a fool, I met Sal with open arms and an open heart. Open everything, actually.

«How was jail?» Familiar banter was never far away with her, making me laugh as her positive tone sounded like the sun had multiplied its brightness—blending you with shameless glee.

«Sure you want to come so close to me? You could never be too careful; I was in for murder, you know?» Ignoring her question, I got my own jokes going, talking into the top of her head. At her release of me, her eyes frightened me. A little smirk on her lips let me know I was in for something.

«As I got rid of all your guns, I'm not sure what threat you'll make.»

Hoping she was joking, I raised one brow and lowered the other. «You did what now?» I pressed through my lips, watching her turn away with a classic curved lip reminding me of my own.

«I guess you'll see at home.» She played off her visibly entertained mind. And though I no longer could see her face, I knew what expression she held heading back to Red, who rested his frame up against the side of the car with a silent chuckle my way as Sal spoke. The glint in his narrowed eyes, hit by the sun, flickered in yellow through his red hair as he straightened up. I wondered how the hell their road trip from Memphis went. Nearly thirty hours or so on the road alone in the car with Sal could make anyone go crazy.

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