4. Su Tian's Diary

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    "June 9th, sunny.

    Xin Qi said, I have only one specialty that is better than him, and that is swimming. Today the school organizes swimming, and I plan to teach him. Unexpectedly, when going to the swimming pool, Xin Qi refused to take off his shirt, insisting on wearing that black T-shirt. The classmates are laughing at him. I said: 'Xin Qi, I've never seen you like this. Boys only need to wear a pair of swimming trunks for swimming. 'He said no, he would rather not swim than take it off. I asked again: 'What about taking a shower? Are you wearing it too? ’ He said yes, unless there was a single bathroom. I asked him how to make soap? He said that the soap was on the clothes, and the clothes were washed by the way, killing two birds with one stone.

    I have never seen such a shy boy. There was no one in the library at night, so I asked him again, and it turned out that there was a long scar on his chest. Xin Qi said that except for doctors and nurses, he never let others touch it, and he didn't want others to see it. If I'm really curious, I can touch it. "

    --"Su Tian Diary"


    After searching the Internet, Min Hui found that there was indeed a "Yongquan City Children's Welfare Institute" in a border city in the northeast. It has disappeared now. Due to changes in administrative divisions, Institutional reform, old city renovation, plus several relocations, it was merged into another orphanage in a neighboring city - the No. 2 Children's Welfare Institute in Longhui District, Haiyuan City. It takes 15 hours by high-speed train from Jiangzhou to. When she arrived, she had to transfer trains in Beijing.

    She got on the train that afternoon. She
was in a hurry, because today is July 6th, and it was only one day away from the meeting time agreed by  Xin Qi.

    On the train, Min Hui opened her diary and read Read it carefully. The diary records the life of a girl named "Su Tian" from the age of seven to twenty-two. It seems to be a thick book, but the content is not detailed. First of all, the entries Long.

The length of the entries varies, and the average number of words per article is about 200 words. The second is that the updates are irregular: the most intensive records occur between the ages of seven and twelve, but not every day. Twice a week is the most diligent state, and when she is lazy, she doesn't write a word for three consecutive months. After the age of twelve, the number of articles decreased sharply, and the most articles were less than ten articles a year, and there were even cases where they were completely blank for several consecutive years.

     Min Hui discovered a strange phenomenon: this diary seemed to be written specifically for that boy named "Xin Qi", and he was mentioned in almost every entry. After Xin Qi left, Su Tian lost interest in writing, and her words became more vague and disorganized.

    After reading all the diaries, Min Hui came to the following inferences:

    First, Su Tian is Li Chun Miao. Chuncao lived in the Yongquan City Children's Welfare Institute when she was a child, and Su Tian was her name in the orphanage. Xin Qi was the same age as Su Tian and also lived in the orphanage.

    Second, when Su Tian was 12 years old, Xin Qi was adopted and left the orphanage for "a place far, far away". 

   Three months later, Su Tian was taken back to her hometown by her mother, and the two lost contact since then.

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