To be or not to be?

Start from the beginning

And, Karen had furrowed her eyebrows wondering why they didn't do that to her.

"And the only reason why they didn't do it to you was because rumors are going around here saying that you from the streets and them heffas in there look down on people that come from the streets they don't be wantin' anything to do with them. But they will try you tho they just won't fool with ya and that right there lets you know that they don't like you." Ms.Tyson said.

"Not one of them in there is your friend." Ms.Tyson warned her.

"I wouldn't trust none of them." She said to her and Karen just nodded her head okay.

"And keep your pregnancy to yourself because if they find out and it's still early on they will most definitely try you and they will not care about going to jail. Them some rough demons up in there." Ms.Tyson said calling them that because that's what some of them be acting like.

"But not to worry you though just stay out of there way and continue to do your job and you'll do fine here like you're doing now." Ms.Tyson told her and Karen had listened to her seeing that so far, Ms.Tyson had been right about everything that she had been saying.

So, now all Karen had to do was go to the doctors to see if she was really pregnant because right now she really didn't feel or have any symptoms yet so she guessed it was still early on in her pregnancy.

Once she was done with work she knew she would have to get in touch with her doctor to find out if Ms.Tyson was right about her being pregnant so as soon as she had got off from work she had went home with her husband being there early knowing that she would have to tell him.

Because there was no way that Karen could possibly hide this pregnancy from Drew if she was pregnant because she knew that in a couple of months from now that a lot was going to be going on and one of the main things was the court case that was coming up. They had been getting closer and closer to the date and she was already getting stressed out about it even more along with Dorinda who seemed to be even more on edge than Karen was and that made Karen worry even more. But now that Ms.Tyson had pointed out that she could possibly be pregnant than it was just gonna be a hot mess.

"Hiii honey." Karen said walking into the house while putting her stuff down. Then she went onto kissing her husband on the lips and Drew playfully bit them. It was as if every time they had kissed, Drew would try to lead them into a full blown make out session and then they would end up naked in each others arms with him being inside of her all the way.

Drew would be so into his wife that Karen swore this man was trying to get her pregnant every single time that they would be laying in bed together. It was like he was on a mission that she knew nothing about but she was just glad to be there.

But now here she was sitting down on their bed in there room.

"Baby I have to talk to you about something." Karen said looking at her husband and he gave her his undivided attention.

"Okay." Drew said looking at his wife and waiting for her to start.

"Ummm. Soooo I might be pregnant." Karen said unsure of how he would take this even though Drew had stated himself that he had wanted five kids and would constantly try to knock Karen up to get his five kids.

So, it was like a deafening moment of silence when she said that and Karen was now unsure on if she should've waited to tell him.

But then, he perked up smiling at her and leaned down to kiss her on the lips pulling her into a hug. "You pregnant with my 5th baby?" Drew asked her smiling hard at his wife from ear-to-ear.

"Well I don't know yet but I-just got a hunch that I might be." Karen said with that hunch being Ms.Tyson. "I mean I did talk to some people today and you know they were just pointing somethings out." Karen told him. "Like what?" Drew asked her looking at his wife.

"I don't know like I was glowing and I was gaining weight." She said.

"Well you be glowing to me everyday pregnant or not andddd I like a little weight on you it's more for me." Drew said just being nasty and Karen just shook her head trying not to laugh at her husband. "What you know it's true I don't mind the weight." Drew said not really caring anymore from when he was younger.

"It never really bothered me before I was just being a jerk when I was younger and that wasn't right." Drew said. "Yeah, now that I think of it you never really picked at me for my weight like the other kids did it was just me being a nerd." Karen told him. "Yeah but you were cute tho they just couldn't see that and I just wasn't brave enough back then I still wanted to be popular." Drew told her. "Yeah you right you did. Mr.Ladies man." Karen said.

"A ladies man that curved all the ladies just for you." Drew told her. "Yeah that was only after I left." Karen said giving him a soft smile.

"But you're mines now and that's what's matters now and no one is gonna come between us." Drew told her giving his wife a kiss.

"And this baby...Cause I know that I knocked you up good, reallll good...And this baby is gonna be happy, healthy, and protected." Drew told her placing a soft hand over her stomach as if he was already trying to feel the baby move.

"I hope so." Karen said sounding unsure of herself yet again.

"You hope so?" Drew said arching his eyebrow a bit.

"Nahhh we know so this baby is going to be okay." Drew told her trying to get his wife to stop worrying because they both knew how her last few pregnancies had turned out.

"We can pray over our baby right now." Drew said as he got right behind Karen even closer and put both of his hands on his wife's stomach and that's exactly what he started to do. He prayed for their baby even if she wasn't pregnant he was still praying for them.


What did y'all think about this chapter?

Do y'all think that Ms.Tyson is right?

What did y'all think about Karen's and Drew's conversation?

If Karen is pregnant do y'all think that the baby is gonna be okay when she goes through her court case?

Thoughts or Comments?

Thanks for reading!

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