Chapter 23

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Chapter 23: Gift


As he promised, after the party, we flew straight to Japan to celebrate my birthday with my family. My parents were surprised by the sudden visit, but they were more ecstatic to host a small, sudden, but gleeful celebration.

Yeontan, Taehyung's popular cute dog which we brought, walked towards me and sat in front of me while wagging his tail.

"Aww." I picked him up and placed him on my lap.

We stayed for the night in my parents' house. I'm in my old room with Yeontan and Taehyung's in the guest room, alone.

We were planning to stay in a hotel but my mom insisted we sleep here. My parents knew about our plan to go back home early tomorrow for Taehyung's birthday and they wanted to see us off before we return to South Korea.

Taehyung, of course, agreed but was a bit taken aback that he'll be sleeping in the guest room without me.

I chuckled as Yeontan licked my cheeks while I was remembering his dad's cute frown.

"Tannie, your dad's sulking. What should we do? It's his birthday tomorrow."

I laid down with Yeontan above my abdomen.

He barked as an answer.

"Hmm? What can I give to the already perfect Taehyung?"

Yeontan barked again.

I laughed. We're having a conversation, aren't we?

He barked again three times.

"You want to see him?"

My eyes widened when he jumped out of my bed and ran to the door while barking cutely.

"You want to see your daddy?" I giggled and carried him.

"Okay, let's stay quiet... Okay. Your grandparents already sleeping." I giggled, thinking how hilarious this sight is, me talking to Yeontan.

I didn't bother knocking and just opened the guest room door. I saw how Taehyung got up quickly from laying down, his one arm behind his head.


My brows furrowed when I saw he's still on his frown. He looks agitated.

"Your son wanted to see you." I wanted to see you.

I put Yeontan who was struggling to break free from my hold after seeing his father, down to the floor. He ran and jumped to Taehyung who was quick enough to catch him.

"Yeontannie" He cooed and carried his dog. I leaned on the wall, watching them when his eyes met mine again.

I gulped but didn't look away.

He sighed and stood up, leaving Yeontan, who's already positioned so comfortably on his bed. He walked towards me.

I was about to smile and jumped to him for a cuddle when he passed by me and opened the door.

"Nani?!" I half-whispered and shouted.

"Goodnight, my Sattang." He held both of my elbows and planted a swift kiss on my head before pushing me softly outside.

Dazed, it just sank into my mind that he just pushed me out of the room after he closed the door!

Worried that my parents might wake up. I stormed to my room to get my phone and came back in front of the guest room's door.


You just pushed me out?!

I typed every single letter while gritting my teeth.

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