Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: Prospect


"Guys, mark your calendars on March 12!" Jihyo announced that last night before we went to sleep.

On March 12 we'll be having a JYP Pajama Party! I squealed in excitement after that announcement. I'm kind of shocked that JYP has allowed this. Nevertheless, I'm very much happy about it! I'm friends with most of the JYP fam. It's not obvious because we can't show it in public but I truly am.

Before the day of the party, the members decided to shop for pajamas. I dressed up with a simple white turtleneck with jeans and a bold splash of yellow plaid to protect myself against the cold. I picked a pair of white sneakers and matched the whole look with a black and gold purse tie. I got my anti-rad glasses and went to the van.

"Jihyo!!!" I wrapped her in a hug as soon as I sat down inside the vehicle beside her. She just smiled and continued texting to whoever it was.

My lips protruded as I opened my cellphone as well.


How are we doing this?😅

His first message this morning! I forgot to check my cellphone after I woke up. I was excited to shop for new clothes!

Sorry for the late reply. Shall we start with a 'Good morning!' ☀️💜

I waited for his reply for minutes but none came. The van isn't starting because Minari isn't here yet.

The door opened and finally, it was Minari! She sat beside me and I automatically hooked my arm on hers and leaned my head on her shoulder.

I pouted even more when she opened her phone and texted her boyfriend. I even saw their messages.

Chim 💛:
Be safe.

I will. Good luck with your sched today.

"Aigoo! I also wish I had a boyfriend!" I blurted out helplessly. Minari then hid her phone and her cheeks were burning.

"Sana-chan!" Our cute Minari is embarrassed! I so wanted to squish her pinky cheeks. I understand why she's like this. She doesn't show her sweetness most of the time. Tzuyu and Mina, both of them, are the most silent members of our group. But I'm proud that they were the ones who had boyfriends first among us.

"Your wish could be granted if you weren't so numb Sana-chan." Jihyo inserted while chuckling.

What? They keep telling me that!

"Wae? Wae? I'm not numb nor naive!" I faced Jihyo, continuously denying because I'm really not. I put on my disappointed face and she just shook her head while still laughing!

"You are."

"Hmph." And I went back to lean on Minari. How can they say that? What have they noticed that I didn't know about?

"Am I that really numb Mina-chan?" I whispered so Jihyo wouldn't hear.

Minari chuckled yes.

Really? So is there someone there who likes me? Then who? Aish, am I really numb or naive?

My worries flew away when we finally arrived in a boutique. A few people only come here that's why we chose this place.

"Momoring!" I grinned and moved my brows at her as soon as she got out of their van. She took my signal and we ran inside like children who are at a playground. We both love shopping.

I already got three outfits in one hand while the other is finding for some.

"Momoring?" I raised one and she just nodded and mouthed "yeppeo". I giggled as I agreed. We mostly have the same taste too when it comes to fashion.

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