840 31 2

T.W- Stalking, disturbing behavior [no specific member] 

Dear Diary 2- 12- 2022

I met a girl/boy/person they were so perfect from their face to their toe I couldn't take my eyes off of them is this called ʟᴏᴠᴇ? I saw them cheering for me in the crowed there were infront row right in front of me just behind of some bodyguard and barrier, I don't know their name nor their age but I'll soon find out, I promise...I promise.

Dear Diary 5-12-2022

I found out their name it's Y/N L/N isn't it cute and even their social media should I follow them with my real account or create a spare account, I'll follow them with my spare account I don't want them to freak out you know. anyways that's all for now I'll keep you updated. 

Dear Diary 10-12-2022 

I...I found out their address should I go meet them, they'll probably be scared if they see their idol Infront of them am I right?...Should I give them gifts as a secret admire they won't notice it right...should I gave them expensive gifts or handmade gifts probably both...okay see you diary I'll meet you next time.

Dear Diary 15-12-2022

They...they threw it outside, I found my given gifts in the trash...did they not like it did I gave them wrong thing I saw them looking at Chanel perfume on Monday 6-12-2022 at 7-30 pm they stared at it for exactly 20.39 seconds so, do they want something else I'll try something else and tell you later see you diary.

Dear Diary 20-12-2022

I held their HAND!!! in the fan meeting it was so soft and perfect I couldn't believe it myself the way they were talking it was like a music luring in my ears, I...I want hold them for forever...should I take them here with me for forever...I'll think about it tell you later.

Dear Diary 25-12-2022

I Finally Have them they are sleeping in MY BED...I couldn't more lucky hopefully they won't struggle against me and I'm sure they won't cause they love me as much as I love them right? Gosh they Look so unreal just like angle...My angle...I'll kill anyone who will come between our love...I promise.


Thank you for reading

Written on 18- 04- 2023

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