Chapter 28- Birthdays and Festivals

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(tryna make this a fluffy chapter for yall)

Lumine POV

Lumine looked around excitedly as the moon started rising. An everpresent hum could be heard from the city just beyond the gates, even louder because it was the first day of the festival. People could be seen rushing about with friends and family, excited to check out everything in the festival. Their laughter and happiness was contagious, as a wide smile etched its way onto Lumine's face as she waited for Xiao.

Ah, speak of the devil and he shall arrive. Xiao appeared at the gates in a puff of his signature black-and-teal smoke. He seemed visibly nervous, but Lumine didn't let that affect her, determined to have him enjoy this night that was meant for him. "Come on Xiao, there's so much for us to do!" She exclaimed as she grabbed his hand and pulled him through the gates. She actively kept an eye out for the less crowded areas, preferring to go there for Xiao's sake. However, there was this one set of pendants that caught her eye, in a stall that was a bit crowded. It had two matching pendants, both turquoise in color. They had a design that was flowy, like the air or wind. Xiao, of course noticed this, much to her embarrassment. He squeezed her hand a bit. "We can go there if you want. I noticed you've been staring in that direction." A light embarrassed red dusted her cheeks as she said, "Alright, you wait here, I'll be back in a minute." She left his hand and quickly walked into the crowd.

Seeing that someone else was about to buy it, she hastened to tell the shopkeeper, "I'd like this set of matching pendants, please." She even hastened the transaction, satisfied when she walked out with the desired item in hand. She found Xiao in the same place as before, anxiously looking for her. She grinned as she said, "Hey Xixi, look what I got us!" She pulled him over to a bench in a relatively uncrowded area, and carefully unwrapped the pendants. The reason why they caught her eye was because they reminded her of Xiao, hehe. Cheesy, right? "Why did you buy two same pendants?" Xiao asked, confused. She laughed at his cluelessness. "Silly, they're matching pendants. I'll keep one, and the other one is for you, so we can match with each other." "..Oh." Xiao said, nothing more.

She hesitated a bit. "..Do you not like it? If not, that's completely fine-" "It's beautiful, thank you so much." He interrupted her genuinely. He gently took one of the pendants, where it sat in the hollow of his palm. "Erm..." he sheepishly said. Lumine chuckled again. "Here, you fasten it onto your necklace. I'll do it for you." She bent forward, quickly fastening it onto his necklace. "There you go." She also wore her own pendant.

The night seemed to go by in a flash. They both had so much fun, even Xiao, she could see it by the small, rare smile that rested on his face. They played games, ate, shopped, everything. He himself seemed to have forgotten that it was his birthday, earning Lumine's amusement. And finally, the time for the final item of the night had come.

A shady man in a black overcoat and fedora nodded to her, and then disappeared in the crowd. But you could catch a glimpse of a blue gem underneath the overcoat, and she heartily laughed at Childe's terrible disguise- this was the signal they'd agreed on when the fireworks were about to go off.

She squeezed Xiao's hand again. "Hey, today's festival is almost over. Can I take you to one final place?" Xiao nodded. "Of course." She led him to the platform near Yuehai Pavillion. Not many people were there, making the place suitable for what remained. They both seated themselves on a bench overlooking the harbour.

Now that the time was here, Lumine's nervousness started to return. Her hands started growing sweaty as she started to internally freak out. 'OhmyarchonsshouldIdoit, whatifhedoesn'tfeelthesameway. Should I do it, should I not, should i do it, should I not, JUST DO IT-' Meanwhile Xiao seemed to have noticed her jitters as he turned towards her. "Is something wrong? Are you not feeling well?" He asked softly, concerned. Oh lords-

"Nops, everything's peachy, there's just something I need to tell you." "Oh, what is it? I'm listening." 'HNGBVTHGGGHHHGGH' "Ok, so, I'vereallylikedyoufromalongtimenow, I was wondering if you felt the same way." She mumbled under her breath. Xiao blinked. "Uh, I didn't quite catch that, you were too quiet. Can you repeat?" "I LOVE YOU!" She exclaimed a bit too loudly out of nervousness. She buried her face in her hands right afterwards.

"Really?" Xiao's voice, barely a whisper, made her look up at him again. His entire face had gone red; he looked as if he didn't quite believe what he'd heard. He still seemed to be processing. "You... love someone like me?" "Yes Xiao, I love you. I've loved you from a long time now, but I never really had the guts to tell you. I was scared of ruining our... friendship, relationship, whatever."

There was silence. Lumine broke it again. "You don't have to feel the same way, it's fine. I just thought I'd, you know, get it out there. It's alright if you don-" "I love you too Lumine." He interrupted her. "EHH??" Lumine turned to look at him, shocked. Now both of their faces were beet red, as this time, Xiao covered his face with his palms.

Lumine gently removed his hands from his face. "Do you really mean it?" She whispered. "Yes. Yes I do. I love you Lumine, more than words can express." And right at that time, the first fireworks shot into the sky with a loud blast, perfectly timed, illuminating both of their faces with colours. Lumine smiled; it was as if all her worries and fears had gone away. "I love you so much too, Xiao. Be mine?" He nodded, a complete smile now on his features, albeit a shy one. Suddenly, his cheeks went even more red, as he hesitantly bent forward a bit, to place a soft peck on her forehead. "..I'm sorry, I've been wanting to do that from a long time." "Don't apologise." She leaned forward to do the same thing to Xiao. "Because, same here." She smirked a little on seeing his flabbergasted expression.

They both leaned contentedly against each other, watching the fireworks beautifully light up the sky. "Happy Birthday, Xiao." she told him softly. "Consider all of this my birthday gift to you." "...I cannot express how grateful I am to have you here by my side." he whispered, squeezing her hand. Now, they weren't just friends, they were lovers, and they fully intended to stay by each other's side forever, no matter what. No matter the obstacles, no matter the problems, they'd stick with each other forever, and they were certain they'd reunite with Aether as well. Now that they were together, they'd never leave. This is what they both thought as they watched the lights in the dark sky.


( 1200 words

holy i got jitters myself writing this, a/n next chap)

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