Chapter 9- A Piece of her Mind

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Lumine POV

"Xiao? Is that you?" Paimon asked in worry. No response. "Hey! Quit tryna scare us, 'kay?" Itto snapped. Still no response. "This must be like one of those other... rifts. We could barely communicate at that time, and it was mismatched, as if some third party was drastically altering everything." "Wait, so this has happened before?" Yelan asked sharply. She nodded in response. "Conqueror of Demons? Can you hear us?" Yanfei asked again. "Hello? Lil dude? Anyone home?" Itto asked. A thought entered her mind that if Xiao really would have been here, he would have skewered Itto for calling him 'lil dude'. He'd say it was the utmost sign of 'disrespect for the Adepti'.

"Xiao, what happened? Are you okay?" Lumine asked worriedly. "He isn't responding at all, this hasn't happened before. Something's wrong-" She was cut off by a response, a small one nevertheless. "You.." he coughed. "Finally!" Paimon exclaimed. "Conqueror of Demons, we heard your voice and followed it, which brought us to this illusion." Xiao seemed confused at this.. "...Illusion?" His demeanor suddenly changed to an alarmed and alert one. "Something's not right here!" He coughed again. "Leave wherever you are, now! Make haste!" His repeated coughing.. Something clicked. "Wait, Xiao, you're really hurt, aren't you? You should regroup with us all as soon as possible!" "Exactly what I was thinking." Yelan nodded. "..I can't. Besides, your safety is the top priority. It seems this space can-" The spatial rift abruptly closed and disappeared. "Dang it!" Lumine exclaimed in frustration.

After some meaningless discussion, Itto chose to jump recklessly straight into the cavehole ahead of them. "Heh, don't worry, I'm invincibi- AAAAAAHHHH!! Aagh, my rear!" His panicked scream echoed up to them. Shinobu facepalmed and sighed as if all she really, really wanted to do at that moment was to die. "Welp, everyone, loks like the hole's quite deep. Be careful and use your gliders." With that, they all jumped in.

"Hehe Bull Chucker, how's your rear?" Paimon giggled. "Its fine!" He exclaimed, when he was obviously in pain- his eyes were tearing. "My rear is tough!" "It's alright boss, if you wanna cry, you can go ahead. I'll try not to laugh." "HEY! You should be sympathetic for me, not laugh at me!" Itto exclaimed in shock and outrage. "Bull Chucker, wouldn't sympathy be a violation of your dignity?" Lumine joined in the teasing, barely able to contain her own laughs. "Besides, it's harder not to laugh when you aren't the one in pain." Shinobu added. "Absolutely correct." Lumine nodded. They both had that mischievous, evil glint in their eyes that said they were both up to the same things. Oh, she knew she'd definitely get along with Shinobu very well. They both had walked behind Itto as they had spoken.

"AAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!" Itto's shrill scream once again pierced their ears. Lumine and Shinobu were the first ones to crack up at their little stunt. What they had done, was that they had both poked him in the rear. Hard. Shinobu and Lumine dissolved into laughter as they clutched their stomachs while Paimon was giggling maniacally. Yanfei scolded, "Paimon, its rude to- Pfffftt!! Ahaha-bwahaha!" Clearly she couldn't hold it in either. "Its okay everybody, if you wanna laugh at him, just let it out." Even Yelan had a small but amused grin on her face. As Lumine wiped her tears of laughter from her eyes, she high-fived Shinobu. "We make a great team, Shinobu!"


"What about you, Lumine? Would you like to try?" Yanfei asked. They were all taking turns at opening some mystery door that showed one something they definitely did not want to see. Itto said, "Haha yeah go for it, prove you're better than Yelan! Don't be a coward, open it. Maybe you'll even find that lil dude!" He had a point.. But.. She had an inkling of who or what she'd see behind that door. Closing her eyes, she readied herself for anything. Then she walked forward, and opened the door. "Well, let's see, shall we?"

As she walked into the room, it expanded infinitely, if that even was possible. All she saw was a starry space, void of any and everything. "The Abyss..." she murmured. Yes, this was what she dreaded the most- The Abyss that took over Aether.

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