Chapter 5- Another Loss

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Xiao POV

Jealousy. It was hard to swallow the fact that a yaksha like him was feeling such.. such mortal emotions, but he couldn't run from the fact anymore. But one question rang in his head constantly. 'Why?' Why was he feeling jealous at Dain's interactions with Lumine? The answer was in front of him, but like the stubborn, hard-headed adeptus he was, he stubbornly refused to accept it. 'Hmph' he thought. 'Yakshas dont feel such stupid emotions.' And finally, finally his invincible opponent appeared. With one last glance at the now-closing spatial rift, he swung his head forward, focusing on the battle at hand.

Lumine POV

She did her best to keep any breaks from her voice as she told Dain the main parts of what she saw, though she left out some minor details; it was an instinct of hers- to never show weakness. But she trusted Dainsleif, at least enough to tell him what he saw. Granted, though, that there were people she trusted more, like Xiao. 'Don't think about him' she mentally told herself.

Dain seemed slightly curious. "So, you met with your brother, who is not right here right now, but was at this spot sometime in the past... And all this by touching an Intevyat he placed... Truly fascinating. Seems that twins really do have a special connection. But back to their plans, it seems that they are attempting to make use of a certain device to cleanse the curse." "I feel like its probably that weird thing we saw earlier." Lumine responded. At this point, her face was an emotionless mask, because her tumult of emotions had not quite died down yet. She was basically forcing herself to focus on the present than dwell on the past. 'I love you a lot, okay Lumine?' 'Don't think about it.' She reminded herself again.

Paimon piped up, clearly tired from the gigantic effort of keeping her mouth shut this entire time. "She also said something about the 'revival of the homeland'." She and Dain exchanged looks; they knew what this meant but they put it aside for now. "No surprise there. Stubborn as ever." Dain said, shaking his head.

(plssssss why cant i timeskip mannnn i dont know what to do with this sceneeeeeee)


(yes i timeskipped)

This was bad. Very bad. They had been held up on the way to the ruin's summit by a Herald. Now in front of them, a violet Lector was standing with a glowing amplification device. Before they could even speak a word or move a muscle, the Lector channeled even more of his energy into the amplification device, and a resounding shockwave of pure energy emanated from it. It would have scorched them, had she not created a shield out of the same energy in front of herself, Dain and Paimon as they braced themselves. Curses! She could see the previously inactive, hollow shells of hilichurls around them writhing and clutching their heads in agony. The entire room was filled with golden sparkles.

This wasn't right. Not at all. What had Aether given the heads up to? He did not have full knowledge of the curse, did not know that the only way out was death... These hilichurls had once been innocent citizens of Khaenri'ah, they didn't deserve this. Any of this. They did not deserve to have their homeland destroyed, to have themselves turned into these monsters, to be in such deep depths of torture. A sudden spurt of anger at both the gods of Celestia and Aether came over her. None of them have the right to interfere with lives! But those thoughts quickly disappeared when she saw Dainsleif also clutching his head. "Dain!" Oh gods, she cursed under her breath. Dain was also Khaenri'an, also was afflicted with the curse, so naturally he would also be under the effects of this- this device or whatever it was. "Am.. I too.. Late?" He groaned in pain. "They' agony.. This is no way for them.. To meet their end! Find a way.... To stop that thing!"

Her eyes narrowed at the amplification device and the Lector. She had to stop both of them. But she had hardly taken a few steps when their visions tunneled to a chunky figure in front of them. It walked forward heavily, and something clattered to the ground. The Lector paid none of it any attention.

Dainsleif POV

Dain's pupils dilated in alarm as they recognised the figure who rushed forward with a burst of anemo. No, what was he thinking, he couldn't do this! He shouldn't do this!

"Halfdan!" They both exclaimed. "NO! Don't do it!" Dain shouted, his hand outstretched towards him. Too late...

His former comrade-in-arms had leapt at the amplification device, and snatched it, hugging it close to his chest. His pupils dilated in terror even more as memories flashed through his mind, memories of him reaching out to a pretty cluster of Intevyats, of Halfdan interlocking their hands with smiles on their faces, a silent promise to each other...

Halfdan was slumped over the mechanism, the amplification device still clutched in his arms. Not a sign of movement... No.. This couldn't be...

The pain coursing through his veins eased to a certain extent. "I thought he would be turned to ashes immediately... Halfdan's soul is extraordinarily resilient." He commented, fighting to keep the tremors out of his voice.

"Meddling fool! Encumber us no more!" The Lector rasped, finally paying them attention. Oh god, he hated that voice with a passion. What had gotten into Aether? Was he stupid? "Come on, don't you have a greater encumbrance to worry about than that?" He snapped, glaring at it as though he would flay it alive. But he couldn't fight in front of the Traveler, not yet. The time wasn't right. On the other hand, she had seen some of his powers before too.

His eyes quickly scanned their surroundings. There were still faint rays of golden light leading to other amplification devices, presumably. That was why the device hadn't shut down completely, and why pain still lingered in him. He was more resistant to the curse than most, so the effects were also diluted on him. That meant that the other hilichurls and black serpent knights would be going through much more pain. There was no time to waste.

As Lumine got her sword out to fight, he shook his head. "Let me handle this." Granted, it would take a lot out of him, but again, no time to waste. He'd just have to hope that Lumine covered his weak spots later. The Lector readied its catalyst to attack but before it could do anything, deep blue energy tainted with black shot out of his hand and wrapped itself around the Lector's neck like it had done to the Abyss Herald when Lumine first met Aether. He squeezed his hand and Lumine went in for the final strike as lightening zigzagged down from above, incinerating it to a crisp. He looked at Lumine appreciatively, she was definitely more powerful than he expected. And he knew for sure that this wasn't even a fraction of her true power.

Lumine spoke up, evidently having come to the same conclusion as him. "We have to rush. The cursed are still rendered powerless, seeing that the device hasn't shut down fully." She frowned at Halfdan's motionless body. "I can take his place, the cleansing won't have any eff-" She was instantly interrupted by Dain. "No! Like you said, the cursed are powerless right now, even I don't have much strength left. You are the only one left who can take on the Abyss. If you value his sacrifice, don't waste any time here. Split up, you take two devices, I'll take two." "But will you be okay, Dain?" Paimon asked worriedly. "She has a point, you yourself said you were tired." "We don't have time to waste." he said curtly. "Go."

She sighed as she raced toward one portal and he went towards another.

( 1380 words

Plssssss why did it take me so much time to write thisssss. Oh and btw no dain isnt the actual rival for xiao, you'll see who it is in future chapters. Cya!

P.s. imma disappear for a week coz I'm going on vacation but extra chapters when I get back!)

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