Chapter 10- Guard let down?

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Lumine POV

Oh my gods, this was so precious, adorable, adorable, absolutely adorable. She immediately whipped out her camera- she couldn't let an opportunity like this pass, especially when it might never happen again. She gently pushed Xiao's head back to the wall so she could quietly get up. As a drop of water splashed on the ground, she clicked her Kamera shutter to disguise the sound. She snapped many more shots- all of a slightly smiling, sleeping Xiao. Drooling.

Yes. The one and only Xiao, Conqueror of Demons, Vigilant Yaksha, was drooling in his sleep. Oh gods, this was perfect! She'd never let him forget this as long as he lived. She was grinning heartily when she finally returned to her seat. To her slight surprise, Xiao himself rested his head on her shoulder, slightly leaning into her. She chuckled softly and tilted herself a bit so she could take more photos, heh. Yae Miko would be proud of her. She smiled and went to sleep.

Xiao POV

He was smiling slightly when he woke up, which he immediately wiped off once he realised it. He'd had a beautiful dream for the first time in... centuries? Millenia? Eh, forget that for now.

Wait. He was.. Leaning on something? Also, he felt a sort of weight on his head..?

O h h o l y a r c h o n s.

Lumine. He was resting his head on Lumine's shoulder, and she was resting her head on his. A red blush quickly covered the tips of his ears, which were thankfully hidden by his hair. He relaxed a bit, before he became conscious of something wet on his face, which made him panic. 'Oh please, Lord Morax, don't let it be what I think it is.' Oh no, no, no, he was drooling. On Lumine. He cursed softly but harshly. Unfortunately, it woke Lumine up, who stirred and stretched. He looked away so that she might not see his blush.

"Hmm? Morning Xiao, are you well rested now? 'Cause you certainly seemed very peaceful when you were sleeping today, hehe." Lumine said. "Uhm-uhm-yeah I guess I did.." he mumbled, looking away even more. "Hehe, come now, what are you worried about? If it's about you drooling in your sleep, then don't worry. I saw that, and I don't mind it. You looked so cute, so I even took a few photos, heh." She chuckled.(Pls Imagine this how Tighnari speaks kay?)

"What?" He turned around to look at her so fast he'd probably get whiplash later. Bad idea though, because Lumine gasped at the mad blush now covering his face. "OHMYGOSH!" Lumine squealed. Before he could even react, he heard one, two, three snaps. "Kkhjfydusjhe" Lumine was sputtering incoherent rubbish. "Khjucyd there's no way the Conqueror of Demons is blushing, right? Am I dreaming? Is this heaven?" "Oh shut up." He muttered, turning away from her and leaning against the wall, arms crossed, in proper emo short boy fashion.

"Oh god I NEED to show this to Yanfei-" he cut her off immediately. "If you even dare to try that, you can rest assured the consequences will be unimaginable." he said threateningly. "Oh ho, throwing my lines back at me, are we? Alright, alright I won't show them to Yanfei. But I hope you know I'm pretty good at loopholes." She giggled. He crossed his arms and faced her. "You are forbidden to go to Inazuma anymore. I know I said this before, but unfortunately that darn kitsune's nature is rubbing off on you too much, I cannot handle it." "Hey!" She started to protest, but he silenced her with a death glare. She death glared right back at him but this was one time he could not and would not back down. She also crossed her arms as they both stared at the other, trying to make the other make down. None blinked. This is how the others, who were now awake, found them.

"..Uh guys? What's going on?" Paimon asked. None replied as they both continued to glare at each other. Yelan chuckled. "Give 'em a minute or two. Someone's gonna step down eventually." "But what are they doing?" Paimon questioned. "Haha Floating Lavender Melon, only someone like you wouldn't know. They're obviously having a staring contest, lil pixie." Itto laughed. They settled down, watching the silent battle.

Almost five minutes had passed. They seemed to be in shock about how no one was ready to back down. Neither he nor Lumine had blinked even once, although their eyes were starting to water. Some more time passed and Yanfei stood up, saying "Hey both of you, stop it! C'mon, we're all waiting!" But they still didn't back down. Yanfei sighed as she looked at Yelan. Getting the message, she stood up and pulled Xiao over at the same time Yanfei pulled Lumine, so that they both broke eye contact at the same time. "There you go." Yanfei declared. "Both of you broke eye contact at the same time, so it's a tie. Now care to give a reason for this loooong staring contest."

"He is forbidding me from going to Inazuma because apparently I'm becoming too much of a 'tease' due to Miko's influence. That's false, it's my natural attitude, and besides, he can't forbid me from anything, he's not my mom. Xiao, if you dare to forbid me, then you remember those pictures? I have my Kamera with me right now, and I will publicly show it to everyone. So be careful of what you say." "..Hmph. Fine. But I'll have my revenge." Xiao angrily muttered like the emo he is.

"Oh?" Shinobu asked curiously. "What sort of pictures?" The Lavender Melons they had been using as popcorn was over, and she and Itto stood up. "Nothing." Xiao said quickly. A little too quickly. Yelan's eyes sparkled with amusement and curiosity as she laughed. "Well, that was certainly a good start to this day." "That, I can agree with." Lumine agreed, with a satisfied glance at her Kamera. Xiao silently swore he'd find a way to delete those pictures from existence.

(1050 words 

Heh, here's a comedic chapter for yall because I love being a tease, and im channeling it thru Lumine *grins widely* Well anyways, school restarts on Friday, so once again, chapters only on weekends, sorry bout that..)

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