Chapter 17- A Jealous Adeptus?

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Ajax POV

He had lost sight of Lumine and grinned as he slowed his pace. He was almost at Luhua Pool after all. He grinned as the teleport waypoint came into view. He rested against it, catching his breath, and nearly jumped out of his skin when a voice behind him said, "Took you long enough." He swiveled around, his heart beating fast from the jumpscare, to see Lumine smirking at him, absolutely relaxed. "Wh-what- you were behind me! When did you overtake me?!" She gave him a shit-eating grin, pointing towards her head. "Brains, not brawns, Ajax. I teleported here." He was speechless. His cheeks burnt from mortification. "Yeah ok, whatever. Come on, I know a good vantage spot." He mumbled. She laughed. "Coming, and you're gonna be the one to pay for dinner as promised. Just so you know, I don't intend to let this incident fade into the past." He cursed at her, and she just shook her head, amused.

Lumine POV

We trudged through the shallow pools that were the highlights of the area, and Ajax took me to this place on top of a temple of sorts or something. He wasn't wrong, the setting sun had turned the sky into shades of pink, purple and dark blue. The clouds looked like pink cotton candy. The water was also a crystal clear blue. Without any comment, she sat down at the edge of the floor and gazed at Liyue's beauty. It never really failed to amaze her. "Beautiful, isn't it? I always know the best spots, trust me." Ajax seated himself next to her. "I guess I can trust you on that from now on."

After a while, he spoke up again. "Hey Ojou-chan, I've been meaning to ask this for a while. Do you..still trust me?" She stayed silent for a bit, thinking about it. "I guess, yeah. I admit, I did feel betrayed back then, but I'm mature. I got over it. Besides, technically you also did get betrayed. And now, I feel that someone who is actually so loyal, and so devoted to his family, someone like that can't be all that bad. So, yeah. I do trust you, and you'd better not stomp on it again, or I'll throw you into outer space, no kidding." "Haha, don't worry, I won't break your trust again." After that, they chatted for some time as the sky steadily darkened, Ajax telling her about his past experiences, while she told him about her adventures, and some, ah, embarrassing stories about Aether. If he knew she'd told them to someone, she'd probably never hear the end of it.

They teleported back to Liyue Harbor for a nice good meal, courtesy of Childe, even though she protested that 'It was a joke'. Ajax firmly grinned and said, "We Snezhnayans always keep our promises, Ojou-chan Take whatever you want for today, I'll fund it." She still only took a modest amount, with Ajax constantly nagging her to get more. In the end, she waved goodbye to Ajax and returned to Wangshu Inn for her, ah, nightly duties.

"Hello, Xiao, what's up? C'mon, let's get going." Lumine cheerfully surprised the, ah, short male. He started in shock and swiveled around, relaxing slightly. "Oh it's just you." He spoke. "Oh my, what do you mean, 'just me'? Noooo, my heart's been shattered in a million pieces! How cruel of you, Xiaoxiao!" He sighed at her dramaticness, then choked as he realised what she'd called him. "Xiaoxiao? Whatever in the name of Rex Lapis is that name?" He asked, frowning severely. "Lighten up, its your new nickname1 Unless you'd prefer something else, of course. That could be arranged. Let's see. Ciao, shortie, shawty, oh I got it!" She snapped her fingers gleefully. "Xiaowty! That's your choice. Xiaoxiao or Xiaowty. You have 30 seconds to choose, before I do."

 "Can I choose none?" Xiao grumbled unhappily. "I don't see the point in nicknames anyways, they're worthless and a waste of time." "Fine." Lumine gave him a deathly smile. "Then you are absolutely forbidden to call me Lumi, even if others call me that. I mean, for you, it's 'a waste of time', isn't it?" "You're impossible." He grumbled. "Fine, occasionally you can call me Xiaoxiao. Ughhhh, why? Better than Xiaowty anyways." His face scrunched up in disgust. "How did you even make that terrible a name? It's an absolute monstrosity, and a disgrace to my name." She shrugged, and he asked, "By the way, where've you been today? I didn't see you anywhere." "Babysitting two 'childe'ren." She said with a sigh. He smirked slightly. "The famed Traveler, babysitting? What an interesting turn of events." "I had no choice!" She protested. "Otherwise, I would have been, ah, what was it? I'd get 'thrown on the ice, my pinkie killed by the cold, my tongue freezed off by the frost so I never lied again."

He looked bemused. "What in Tevyat..." She shook her head and explained further. "Okay, so you remember Childe, right?" He frowned at the mention of that Harbinger. "You mean that Tartaglia guy who almost destroyed Liyue? Wait, you haven't been hanging around with him all day, have you? He's dangerous and you know that!" "Whoa chill, not all day. I was with his kid brother that somehow managed to find his way to Liyue all the way from Snezhnaya. He was playing around Ruin Guards, believing they were toys. It was dangerous to just leave him there. Besides, he's so innocent, I can understand why Childe dotes on him. Childhood innocence is one of the most precious things. It's been a long time since I've been around kids."

"Tch." Xiao muttered. "Little kids are little Tasmanian devils." "Don't say that Xiaoxiao." she chided. "You know, sometime looooong ago, you were also probably a baby. Probably one that was kinda chubby, had an extreme sweet tooth, very shy." "I was nothing like that!" He snapped. Lumine sighed and continued. "Well, anyways he made me pinkie promise to take care of him, and to help him find his brother. Then I find out Childe is his brother. I was honestly very surprised, but its like he was an entirely different person around Teucer. I could easily see how much he loved his family. I had to spend the entire day babysitting him, and you don't know how it is to babysit a hyperactive kid. Runs in the family, I guess. But it was fun too. Like, imagine Childe lecturing the soldiers about fighting for the Tsaritsa and stuff, then sees Teucer and abruptly switched to convo to toys? I genuinely had to hold back my laughter. Then, we took Teucer to the 'Liyue institute of toys', which was actually an abandoned Ruin Guard research lab. Some stuff went down, Childe almost fatally injured himself, I sent him back to get patched up. He didn't listen, so after sending Teucer back to Snezhnaya, I dragged him by his hair and collar to the Pharmacy." He snorted a little, then immediately turned away. "Continue."

"Well, then Baizhu ordered him to get some rest. Of course, he wouldn't rest unless I made sure he did, so basically I had to babysit him as well. Except it seemed more like an adventure. He took me to quite a beautiful spot in Luhua Pool. We watched the sunset together. Then he treated me to dinner because I had won against him in a race. I had fun. It was a nice experience. Maybe we'll do it again sometime soon." "Oh." Was all Xiao said. He had a passive-aggressive frown on his face, his arms crossed. "Well don't forget that he is still a Fatui Harbinger after all. He could always have ulterior motives, the Fatui always do. He's probably no different. I'm sure he wouldn't hesitate to backstab you in a second." Now it was Lumine's turn to frown. "Xiao, don't judge him too quickly. I'm sure you wouldn't like it if I had simply judged you from your cold and passive-rude attitude and hadn't seen the actual you. Similarly, don't base your assumptions from a single incident. He was practically kept in the dark by his comrades who were supposed to be working with him, and none other than your Rex Lapis himself. I am going to have a serious talk with him, by the way. He had no choice, and he was also betrayed. Besides, you haven't seen the real Ajax that lies beneath that exterior. I did, I saw his dedication and loyalty to his family. He is willing to lay down his life for them. He almost got himself killed protecting Teucer. Give him a chance."

Xiao looked angry as his spear appeared in his hand. "Well, I don't have time for more chit-chat. I have duties to do. You can join if you want." With that, he leaped into the air. She frowned at his attitude before following him to aid him.

...He surely wasn't jealous of Ajax, right?

(1682 words

Yooo sup yall author-san's back with another chapter

anyways, um, I wanted to ask yall smth important. See, I was thinking that after I finish this whole arc, which is probably gonna be atleast 7-8 chaps ,maybe more, how would yall feel if I ended this series? It's just that, studies are kinda becoming more with higher grades approaching, AND I dont rly have many ideas for this book anymore. [Hence the slow updates] But I wanted to ask your opinion, bcuz if you guys don't want me to end this, then I'll find ideas to continue it. But if you all are okay, then after ending this, I'd probably focus on oneshots, since i know I can NEVER run out of ideas for them. Besides, oneshots don't need to be continued more than two or three parts, so that's not a problem. But I'm waiting for yall's opinion, since I know this book is only 17 chapters in.

Speaking of oneshots, why do I have a sudden urge to write MORE angst..?

anyways sry for long A/N, cya dear readers!)

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