Ch-14- The End of a Phase

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Lumine POV

She spiralled down, down, down into the endless void.

The full realisation of what she'd done hit her. She had sacrificed herself so that her beloved friends could get out safely. Well, it didn't exactly count as a sacrifice if she survives, but still. Lumine smiled a little as she realised that she'd gone and done the very thing she had forbidden Xiao to. But she didn't regret it. Now she would be falling back into the hellhole of madness and chaos, the place where she saw her deepest nightmares and fears, and.. Possible would never escape. 'No', she thought firmly. No matter what, she was the master of these spaces and she would bend it to her will. But it would take time, especially since time here didn't seem to make sense.

She had reached a place in the void where she could barely see the minute, dot-like opening to the world, and the watery surface of the underground bed was closer. She closed her eyes, waiting for the eventual impact with water or land. She had accepted her actions and decisions and made peace with them.

The impact never came.

A few tendrils of golden light penetrated her closed eyelids. She blinked in surprise, and she saw a spiral of recognisable.. Geo energy? Spiralling towards her. With itself, those spirals seemed to contain a message- 'Meet me later.' Then before she could react, it formed a bed of sorts beneath her. The next thing she knew, bright light hit her eyes.

Xiao POV

Nonono, goddamnit, where was she? Xiao silently cursed all sorts of colourful curses under his breath. He had intended to use his last remaining powers to teleport them out, but that girl had beat him to it. And now Yelan, Yanfei, Shinobu, Itto and himself found themselves in the outskirts of the upper levels of the Chasm, with no Lumine in sight.

He clenched his hands as he frantically searched around for any trace of that blond haired, stubborn girl. He couldn't lose her, he'd already lost enough people he loved.

Geo energy flashed brightly somewhere behind him. He swiveled around in hope, aaand there she was.

She was kneeling on the ground, panting heavily. Immediately he ran over to her, the others quickly following. He was the first one to envelop her in a possibly bone-crushing hug, but he didn't care. He was followed by Paimon and then Yanfei. Yelan and Shinobu appeared massively relieved and Itto was still knocked out cold. She looked up in slight shock, then swiveled around towards the cliff behind them. He followed her line of sight, and barely caught a glimpse of golden brown robes. He exhaled in relief. So Lord Morax had been the one to save her.. He must express his gratitude to her later.

He helped her get to her feet, then flicked her forehead. Hard. "Ouch!" she whined. "What was that for?" "That was for having me so darn worried." He scolded her. "Do you realise how hypocritical your actions were, telling me not to sacrifice me, then doing it yourself?" "It's not only him, all of us were worried sick. Please don't do that again." Yanfei sighed. "But your powers were almost completely spent! If you fell in there, you wouldn't have survived. I would have. So I didn't necessarily sacrifice myself." Lumine grumbled, pouting. 'Adorable' he thought, then shook it away instantly. He flicked her forehead again and she winced, rubbing the affected spot. "Well then Lumine Whitewood, I'm warning you. No more crazy stunts after this. Or you shall face the wrath of the Adeptus." He said. She rolled her eyes, back to normal. "Yeah yeah ok, short emo boy." He narrowed his eyes and glared at her. "What did you just call me?" "Short emo boy." She repeated, giggling. "You're dead." His spear appeared in his hands.


Lumine POV

She smiled contentedly as she gazed up at the moon. Everything was back to normal again. They all were out of that space safe and sound, even Itto had woken up. She mentally noted to avoid the underground Chasm as much as possible. Now she was going to meet her blockheaded half-brother who happened to have saved her. She found him at his usual spot at Third Round Knockout, calmly sipping his good ol' tea while the storyteller dramatically closed his fan. But when she seated herself in front of her, his eyes darkened. "May I know the reason for your utter, sheer, recklessness?" He asked calmly, with the underlying threat of danger. She shrugged unconcernedly. "To get my dear friends out of there safely. Besides, you know me; I would have survived anyway." "You wouldn't have." He retorted angrily. "That place would have driven you to craziness till you lost yourself and became one of those red spirits, wandering aimlessly, thoughtlessly. Remember that I am still older than you, and I have experienced much more of the world than you have." Lumine glared at him. "You're older only by a month, you old blockhead. And keep in mind who was one of the gods sitting on the twelve thrones of Olympus. It was me, not you." Zhongli angrily protested, arguing with her over petty matters. In the middle of it all, a smile came over Lumine's face.

"Why are you smiling?" He grumbled. "Just thinking of how this reminds me so much of home." Zhongli paused, then smiled and nodded as well.

Lumine did hope she could have some peace after this.

(1010 words 

Mmm so with this, perilous trail is finally finished. i'm sorry if this was a bit rushed, because i was in a hurry to end this before my exams so that we could start with the childe plot ( ̄︶ ̄)↗ also there wont be any heavy stuff for a while, just some crack honestly. (don't think i can't write angst tho- i actually have a lot of heavy angsty ideas for oneshots in my mind ) but anyways, cya, and good luck to all scaramouche wanters! Yall will be scaramouche havers! Pray I will too-)

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