Chapter 6- A Soul at peace

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Lumine POV

With her extreme skill in fighting, it didn't take her long to banish those measly, horrid Abyss Mages from existence, although she was hesitant to kill the hilichurls. But they had been corrupted by the Abyss, so there was no choice. And yes, she might or might not have used some of her locked but leaking elements like cryo to do the job quicker.

As she destroyed the second charging device with a few quick strikes of her sword and the ray of light connecting it to the main device vanished, she raced back to the centre room. Three of the rays of light were gone, so she assumed Dain was still dealing with the fourth one. She wanted to go and help Dain, but her gut told her that he did not want her to witness his fighting style yet, and she respected his wishes. She took the time to check on Halfdan. Like she suspected, there was no life left in him and no hope left for him. With a sigh, she gathered the stuff the Lector had dropped for future use. As she did so, the fourth ray of light finally severed and a few moments later, Dain came out of the corresponding portal, looking tired but relieved to some extent.

They gave him a few moments to catch his breath, then Paimon said, "So... that's it right? Is the device fully shut down now?" He nodded in confirmation. "The burning sensation has indeed stopped." "So we managed to stop the Abyss Order's plan?" Paimon continued. She nodded this time. "Yes, but..." She didn't need to continue. They all understood. "He seems to have breathed his last." Lumine said carefully. Dain closed his eyes and let out a sigh. "Let me check." She stepped back as he bent over Halfdan, checking for any signs of life. She understood that he would want to confirm his only remaining sentient comrade's death. This must be so rough for him.

As they stood silently, he got up and said, "Let's go." As he turned around, they saw the first prominently displayed emotion on his face- infinite sadness. His head hung low. It tugged at her heartstrings. She truly knew what it was like to lose someone you loved, so she could truly understand what Dain was feeling. As she reached out to him to try to comfort him, something behind him caught her attention as she froze. A bright white light seemed to be emitting from the device, no, from Halfdan. Dain also stopped abruptly, his head turned to the side. "...Light?" They both questioned, his pupils dilating in shock.

As they all turned around, they saw the cause of the light- a young man had been formed from the light. She quickly detailed his appearance- greyish hair, a face like Teppei's, and an unusual uniform. It didn't take her long to deduce that this was how Haldan looked before the cataclysm, when he served under Dain. The man's eyebrows furrowed as he raised one hand, then bowed his head and put his fisted hand on his heart as a sign of respect.

Dain took a few small, unsteady steps towards Halfdan, evidently still in shock. He looked as if he couldn't believe the sight in front of him. Halfdan spoke up. "Apologies, Captain Dainsleif, Twilight Sword. Back then... I failed you, failed to protect our people." He lowered his head shamefully. "Please forgive me, for I have failed my duty to you and to Khaenri'ah."

The fact that this was Halfdan's soul finally seemed to sink into Dain's mind, because he shook his head as his own hand fisted by his side. "No." he said firmly. "For five hundred years, you have faithfully done your duty. To this day, I am proud of you all." As he said the last line, he brought his fist to his heart as he bowed his head. Haldan looked up in shock, then scratched the back of his head, smiling nervously. Then something seemed to pop up in his mind. "Khaenri'ah... didn't fall, did it? Since you are still here.." Dainsleif paused for a moment as a variety of emotions flashed across his eyes. Then a smile formed on his face as he nodded and firmly said, "Correct." This surprised Lumine, but she kind of understood Dainsleif's logic. Khaenri'ah still lived on through the transformed Khaenri'ans like Halfdan.

The answer seemed to relieve Halfdan, who smiled in relief, then looked up with an expression of peace as his soul disintegrated into pure light particles. "So, no need to revive the homeland." Murmured Dainsleif with a slight smile.

He turned to her. "I must go now. If you intend to continue your investigation, you should be careful. More than one kind of strange power exists here, and it could very well lead you into trouble." "You bet we'll be careful." Lumine assured him. "Oh, but wait, does that mean you aren't coming along, Dain?" Paimon asked curiously. He shook his head as he coughed. "No. The device took a severe toll on me, and now I am feeling the aftereffects. It will take me some time to recover." "Haha yeah, you should go on a vacation or something, have a well deserved rest." Lumine responded, at which he scoffed. "The word 'vacation' does not exist in my vocabulary. There are other things to do. The Loom of Fate operation is still underway, I need to investigate."

"We will talk more next time, after you have recovered." She cut him off bluntly. "Thank you for understanding." He said, to which she nodded. As he turned to leave, he paused and added, "I can only hope that the next time we meet, you truly know which side you are on." With that, he quickly disappeared. Ugh, the sheer nerve and audacity of him man, he just HAD to throw a cutting remark right before leaving. 'Next time' she promised herself. 'Next time I'll make sure I get back at him.' Now that she thought about it, Dainsleif was like an absolutely annoying and infuriating older brother. Somehow, she felt as though she had seen him somewhere before, but her memories of her past in Tevyat were rather fuzzy.

Nevermind that, she too had other priorities to focus on. Now that her quest with Dain was over, she needed to find Xiao as soon as possible.


"AETHER!" She yelled as her brother disappeared in a flurry of red cubes, which coalesced to form a single tiny yellow cube. "What have you done to my brother?! Give him back!" She exclaimed at the Unknown Goddess. In her fury and desperation to get Aether back, she used up all her strength very quickly in launching fast and powerful attacks at the goddess, but every single one of them was easily deflected by red cubes. In her rage, she didn't concentrate, and made a vital mistake as she started to get engulfed in red cubes too. "NO!" She screamed, all her emotions coming out. "LET ME GO!"

It all was to no avail, as her vision grew red and her movement began restricted. But just before she lost consciousness, through her blurry vision she saw something- tendrils of a dark blue, otherworldly power attacking that goddess, and a man in a starry blue cape.

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Heyaa! What's up, my dear readers, author-san's back with a new chapter! I'm seriously considering a double update though, lets see my willpower ;) anyways hope u liked this chapter as I'm putting a bit of a twist in the next chapters. Oh, I'm already grinning at my ideas XDDD well cya!)

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