Chapter 4- Raging Emotions

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Lumine POV

"Your troops, huh..." She hummed. ' Must be hard for Dain to fight those who had worked under him in the past.' "Yes, they were. But now the curse engulfs them, and they fight with none of the dignity and honor they once had." 'Ok, perhaps I take back what I thought.' Spotting movement behind Dain though, her eyes narrowed as her hands instantly reached for her sword. "Hmm? What's the matter?" He asked, eyes narrowed as well as he turned to look where she was looking. His eyes widened momentarily in surprise, as he thoughtfully said, "Seems we missed one. But stand down." He said, turning to look at them. "Somehow, he doesn't seem to be hostile." In that brief pause when their eyes were not on 'him', 'he' somehow disappeared. While Paimon rambled on, Dain seemed to have spaced out a bit. She waved her hands in front of his eyes as she asked, "Dain, are you okay?" "Huh? Yes, yes, I'm fine. We should continue onward to the city."

(PLS I need to timeskip I'm at writer's block for this parttttt)

"AAAH!! More of them are closing in!" Paimon shrieked directly in her ears. She sighed in response as she let her sword disappear, to try to show the approaching Black Serpent Knights that she wasn't a threat. "Let's try to avoid fighting them." She suggested. "It would indeed be meaningless, seeing that they are simply guarding the hilichurls." Dain agreed.

She blinked, though, when she saw the Knights put away their weapons and retreat, thinking it was because she put away her own weapon. "Hey, look! It's the weird guy from before who disappeared." Paimon exclaimed. Dain frowned as he looked up at the armoured figure. "...Halfdan?" "Ah, so you do recognise him. I thought so."

( Ok wait I just realised how much is left till the part I wanna write so bad. So dont mind me imma timeskip again X) )

"Look up there! It's an entire water pool! Even the water is upside down!" Paimon said. "Whoa... This place is indeed quite impressive... I wonder how it works?" Lumine murmured, gazing at the upside down structure in awe.

"The pool must be part of the entire structure, a relic of this ancient civilization." He explained. "And more importantly, it is the very thing weakening the curse." He said, looking up and closing his eyes. "Here, my whole body is feeling far more at peace than it has in a long time. The effect is stronger here than before, and I suspect it's since this pool has something akin to a cleansing effect." "Oh, so does that mean that this water can wash away the curse for good?" Paimon asked hopefully." "Never. That is impossible." He denied instantly. "How are you so sure?" Paimon asked. 'Sure, Paimon, go on, you're stealing all my lines.' she thought.

"I have lived with this curse for 500 years, and I have been conscious the entire time. Suffice to say no one understands the curse like I do. Curses placed by gods take place at a higher level of reality than the person themselves. Trying to wash it away would be tantamount to burning away an integral part of your body. A process you could not hope to survive." "Oh.. It wouldn't be worth it then, would it?" Lumine said.

"Hey, look, what is that out-of-place thingy there?" Paimon interrupted them. As she turned to look at it, she felt a familiar darkness radiating from it, and she instantly knew what it was. "An Abyss Order device. Perhaps it is the Abyss Order's secret." She said with conviction in her voice. "Could be. Frankly, I have never seen a device of such a design before, so it would make sense that it belonged to the Abyss Order. But what could they be planning to do here..." He trailed off into thought. His thought process however, was interrupted by a rough thunk-thunk as all the doors leading out of the room opened up. "Yikes, that gave Paimon a fright. So all the doors are open now?" Paimon asked, hiding behind Lumine.

"Wait, Halfdan's back." Halfdan just stood there in the doorway, not saying anything, just staring at them. "Halfdan, is there something you want to tell me?" Dain asked point blank. Unresponsive, he simply turned around and slowly started walking away. "Ugh, seriously?" Paimon whined, kicking her tiny feet in the air. "He's indicating that he wants us to follow us. Are you coming?" Dain asked. "Well, he doesn't seem to hold any sort of malice towards us so let's go I guess..?" Lumine responded.

Important in Another World- BOOK 2- A Genshin Impact Xiaolumi fanficTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon