Chapter 7- More reunions?

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Lumine POV

It had been some time since she and Dain had parted ways- it was hard to keep track of time in the dark Chasm. She'd asked around, explored a lot, but hadn't found any trace of him, except for a few eyewitnesses saying that they had indeed spotted a teal-haired man who exuded a dangerous aura some days ago.

Now that she had confirmed he was in the Chasm, she had begun thoroughly exploring every nook and corner of the Chasm. Now only the Glowing Narrows and the Serpent's Cave were left. She chose to go to Glowing Narrows first because she could sense major dark energy emanating from there, far larger than that from the Serpent's Cave.

"Whoa!" Paimon exclaimed in shock. "This cave is so unnatural and huuuuuugeee! It's as if something gigantic rammed right through this place!" "Chill out Pie. I can sense a lot of dark energy emanating from here, in proportions that would be plain fatal to a mortal. We need to be very careful about how we proceed." "*shiver* Paimon's getting the chills from just thinking 'bout it! Y'know, this 'nail' up ahead, dontcha think it looks similar to the one at Dragonspine? Just a whole lot more spooky."

She detailed her surroundings quickly and precisely, scanning for any threats like a seasoned warrior would. She noticed a suspicious-looking stone stele some distance away. Carefully, they both approached it and studied it. "Ugh, Paimon can't make heads or tails out of this mess. What about you, Lumine?" She didn't respond as she studied it. It basically told them everything they needed to know about the nail.

"Hey, stop ignoring Paimon and tell Paimon what you understood already!" Paimon exclaimed after a few minutes, kicking her feet in the air angrily in typical angry Paimon style. She stood up and told her, "The nail is connected to five mechanisms, whose locations are marked on this map. I'm guessing that we need to activate those mechanisms or something. Then, there is a big worm-ish thing drawn which means that something after that could awaken some sort of worm-ish danger." "Ah, Paimon sees now! Well then, what are we waiting for? Cmon, let's activate those mechanisms right now!" "Oh ho?" She chuckled. "Since when did our Paimon become so fearless." Paimon grinned proudly at her as she said, "Well, we are here anyways, so we might as well do something." "First wise thing you've ever spoken Pie." "Ughhhh, stop it!"


Two of the devices were destroyed. All she had to do was fend off the monsters that came after she used her Lumenstone to charge the devices. She was flying to the third device when Paimon suddenly exclaimed something, making her almost lose her balance. "Hey, look, there's someone over there!" She blinked as she landed on a small cliff. "Huh? Whoever would be here, in such a dangerous place?" She looked in the direction Paimon was pointing. If it was some reckless adventurer, then she'd have to caution them to go back. But as they got closer to the figure, both her and Paimon's eyes brightened as they ran the remaining few miles. "Yanfei!" They both said happily.

"Oh?" Yanfei quickly turned around in panic, before she saw who it was. "Oh, Lumine, hehe we meet again!" Lumine chuckled as she said, "Yes indeed, we meet again. What are you doing in such a dangerous place?" Yanfei began to explain but cut herself off as they heard running in the distance. "Oh no! Hey Lumine, can you do me a favor and tell them you haven't seen me? Ah, they're here, I gotta go, sorry!" With that she raced away.

"Aaaaand someone's coming again." Lumine commented casually as they awaited the two figures in the distance. "Hey you! Yes you!" Lumine shook her head in dismay as they two figures made themself known. "Well well, if it isn't the one and oni Itto." "Haha, yes yes it's me indeed! Well, compadre, what are you doing here? Oooh, don't tell me you're on vacation!" She scoffed. "Vacation's don't exist in my life." Paimon deadpanned at her. "What?" she asked defensively. "Do you realise you are kinning Dainsleif right now?" Paimon asked. "Oh... uh hehehe..." She scratched her head, laughing nervously. "Well, anyways Itto, who's that behind you?" She asked, eager to change the topic. "Ah right! Lemme introduce ya to Shinobu, Kuki Shinobu, the pride and joy of Hanamizaka's Arataki Gang! She's one of Hanamizaka's brightest, and pretty much handles all of the Gang's affairs." "Ah, I see, the actual boss of the Arataki Gang then." "HEY! Arataki Itto's the one and oni boss of the Arataki Gang! No one replaces Itto. She is just our manager, my subordinate." Paimon grinned. "Ah, so a useless boss and an extra-capable sub-ordinate." "Ugh, you-" Itto cut himself off angrily.

"Hello there, you must be Lumine and Paimon. I've heard a lot of stories about you." Shinobu greeted. At least this one was well mannered. "Anywayyyy, have you seen a pink haired legal.. uh lady around? Yknow, with a goofy hat, kinda short, knows everything." Ah, so these were the ones from whom Yanfei wanted to escape. She chuckled deviously. "Mhm, yeah I've seen her just a few minutes ago." Paimon turned to her, wide eyed, as Itto clapped in joy. Shinobu was the only one who understood her intentions, as she too, seemed to be smiling behind her mask. "She went... that way." Lumine said, pointing in the opposite direction to where Yanfei actually went. "But before you go, tell me, what are you doing here in such a dangerous part of the Chasm?" To that, Itto and Shinobu explained about their journey till here, and then left.

She chuckled as she sent them off in the wrong direction, then ran off to meet Yanfei.They giggled as they saw her hidden in a corner. "Don't worry Yan, we sent 'em off. You won't see them for a while." "Ah thank you so so so much!!! How can I repay you!" She laughed and shook her head. "Don't worry about it. But if you really want to, you could assist me by helping me destroy these mechanisms connected to the nail in the centre. Four hands are always better than two." "Ah sure!" Yanfei exclaimed, and they set off to destroy the remaining devices. At the last one, they met up with Itto and Shinobu again, where she cleared up any misunderstandings with them, after which they also joined her and Itto.

As the last device was activated, she remembered the part where they applied some external force on the nail, and told the others about it. They all agreed to strike together, so that less force was needed.

As they all landed on the ground after that it, the floor of the cave rumbled violently, and something poked out of the middle. They jumped back, and just in time too, because that thing instantly struck the ground where they had been standing previously. She whistled as her sword appeared. "Well, it seems we've reached the part where we fight. C'mon guys, lets go!"


??? POV

She stood at a vantage point above the fighting as she watched the Traveler, Yanfei and two unknown people destroy the monster. She crossed her arms and waited, perhaps she wouldn't even have to interfere.

Ah, spoke too soon.

They had reached a point where the ruin worm, although battered down, was simply not taking any damage of any sort. The four down below created a circle, shielding each other's backs, as they got cornered by the worm, which was spinning in circles around them. Not wasting a moment, she quickly charged two of her arrows with hydro, and fired one off at the worm. It momentarily paused, not expecting it. In that single moment, she quickly fired another arrow, not at the ruin machine but at the celestial nail in the middle of the cave. As expected, it lost its glow and fell down with a 'thud' straight on the worm, which disappeared from existence. She smiled as she jumped down from her vantage point towards the group, at just the moment when the ground rumbled again dangerously. The four had no time to question her sudden appearance, because at that moment, the ground under them gave way, down, down, deep down under the depth of the Underground mines of the Chasm.

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Wow, author san actually updated twice in two days, no clickbait! So, this was kinda a boring chapter, but dont worry, we are getting to the fluffy parts!

Yes I said the fluffy parts ;)


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