Chapter-13- Partial Escape

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Xiao POV

Why had he gone right back to battle? Was it part of his inbuilt instincts as a yaksha, to seek out a fight? Yet another part of him knew why... Bosacius..

He stood with the tip of his spear touching the ground, breathing deeply. Bosacius had disappeared again. Would he get out of this space again? Last time was a fluke, only because Yanfei and Lumine managed to connect to him. But now no spatial rifts were opening, so there was no chance of seeing them again.

"Xiao!" came a shout from behind them. He didn't need to turn around to recognise it. He sighed as he realised that they surpassed their expectations. Instead of communicating with them, they ended up right where he was. He had to give them credit for their foolhardiness.

"No enemies..? Hold on-" came Yelan's musing voice. As they quickly came up to date with Xiao's circumstances, they rushed to help him but were interrupted. "Stay back." He said coldly. "This is my fight. Do not come near me." He ordered. "But-" Yanfei began, but broke off when Lumine calmly spoke, "Let him be. He'll be alright. A bit battered down, but alright. He hasn't survived millenia for nothing, you know." He shot Lumine a thankful glance, then turned his attention back to the now somewhat visible opponent.



Bosacius's echo spoke aloud as he attacked Xiao. Whatever Xiao replied did not make any difference to his responses, and he was beginning to gain an inkling of understanding. "Everyone, remember, we must hold the line at 60 metres from the Chasm at all costs!" spoke a voice, which was certainly not Bos's. But he saw understanding in Yelan's eyes and knew that she, too, had caught up.

It was time for this futile battle to end. With one last look at Bosacius's purple eyes glaring at him from the red darkness, he let his yaksha's mask disappear in a burst of anemo energy as he exclaimed, "Phantom begone!" And just like that, the last traces of Bosacius were removed from the mortal world.


His eyes narrowed as he took in the infinite space in front of him. Void, pure void, nothing but a floor of clouds and a sky unimaginably high. He knew immediately that something was wrong, even more so when Lumine tensed up. "What a creepy place." Yanfei said curiously. "The Abyss." Lumine replied simply, still on alert. Xiao was surprised at this as he turned to face her. "What do you mean?" "This place is based off my memories. I had seen the Abyss, and I shall always remember it. After all, it's what took him away." She said, trailing off at the last bit. Yanfei shivered. Lumine closed her eyes for a moment, then opened it. "Follow me." she said confidently. Seeing as the others made no comment against it, he shrugged and followed them, bringing up the rear for protection against possible threats. Their wander through the infinite darkness brought them to something simple- a smaller version of the Fantastic Compass.


(we are getting to the interesting part, prepare yourself for a cliffhanger :p)

"Stars align, bestow your light." came a chant, as blue illuminated the room.

"Evil purged by thunder's might.

Spirit curbed, pneuma surge.

By dictum divine, heed these words." Tainted teal joined the blue at the centre of the compass, rolling itself into a ball of energy.

"Do as I command!"

At Yelan's last words, a wave of energy burst forth from the Fantastic Compass, enveloping the cavern. "It lit up!" Paimon exclaimed. "Thanks Captain Obvious." Xiao grunted. "Aha! The Fantastic Compass is an amplifier! Maintain this energy level, and we may stand a chance of getting out!" Yanfei said excitedly in understanding. "I will maintain the energy level." He nodded at Yelan, who nodded, stepping back. "Understood." No matter how powerful, Yelan is still a mortal, and the amount of energy that would be required despite an amplifier would probably make her pass out, which he couldn't allow. "Everyone, stand back." He said, as he channeled yet more energy into the amplifier. With another burst of energy, the platform of the compass they were standing on took off upwards at high speed. Memories flooded into his mind, the past overlapping with the present. He remembered Bosacius's words. 'We must hold the line by sealing the surface. As yakshas, we must fight for this world.'

"General Alatus, falling in!"

Lumine POV

Xiao glowed with energy as the reddish-blackish surroundings sped past them in a fast blur. She frowned as Paimon quickly clutched her arm in fright. Red spirits were swarming them; she assumed these were the tainted souls of those who had fallen in here and succumbed to the insanity of the chaos. In another blur, Yelan quickly wrapped all the spirits who had dared to come close in threads of hydro, which exploded, disintegrating the spirits. Xiao released energy into the amplifier more urgently. They all released their elemental bursts in succession, even Lumine, although she was gripped by a headache while doing so. The spirits scattered for the time being. Unfortunately a new problem had arised- Xiao. He was weakening. Considerably. She couldn't even imagine how much energy it must be taking; if she had been an adeptus, she would sure as anything have taken his place. "You can't keep this up, your strength won't last!" she cried out worriedly as his mask... cracked. The energy flow somewhat disconnected, and he staggered. Only a faint trail of pure teal left as the platform began to crack and shatter.. Xiao looked at his hands that were still exuding pure Anemo energy.

They all glowed teal. Everyone except Xiao.

She knew what was coming.

And she would not allow it.

There was absolutely no way she was leaving Xiao all alone in that cursed space. Even if it meant that one of them would have to stay back, she had to stay back. She was anyways the controller of this chaos, surely she could figure a way out. She thought of all present. Itto, the innocent oni. Shinobu, the sassy deputy. Yanfei, one of the first in Liyue to form a friendship with her. She had begun to form a companionship even with Yelan. And Xiao needs no explanation. The thought of any of them stuck down in that hellhole was unbearable.

Before Xiao could act, the teal was swiftly replaced by a glowing golden, which enveloped everyone including Xiao. Well, except herself. Xiao was the first to understand as he reached out to her in panic, the others quickly following. But he was too late. She still retained all of her energy and she could act in an instant while he was in a weakened state. The opening to the outside world was visible at this point as a hole of glowing sunlight. As she clenched her palm, she imagined her friends safely out there. Everyone vanished in a golden flash.

The platform of the Fantastic Compass broke apart entirely as Lumine spiralled down, down, down.

( 1200 words 

Yes yes short chapter I'm sorry but atleast we are getting to the end of the quest? This will definitely be over in the next chapter. No need to thank me for the cliffhanger 😇😀) 

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