Chapter 22- An Angry Adeptus... Again

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Lumine POV

(timeskipping to the end of the trip coz firstly i have no patience and secondly ik yall r dying for xiaolumi 😏 dw its gonna happen soon)

"Goodbye guys, thank you for the wonderful stay here!" The ginger and the blonde waved to their friends as they were about to set off. Normally, Childe being a harbinger would have caused some problems, but since he wasn't really that well-known here, and he was with Lumine, things weren't really bad. Now their week was over, and Lumine would go back to adventuring while Childe returned to Fatui duties.

"Aww Big Sis and mister Ajax, are you leaving already?" An adorable little kid in red ran up to them with a big pout on her face. Honestly, Lumine's heart almost melted at the 'Big sis' and 'Mister'. She sighed as she bent down and ruffled her hair. "Yep kiddo, we gotta go now because mister Ajax has a lot of work to do back in Liyue. But don't worry, I'll bring him to Mondstadt again sometime." "Really?!" All sadness disappeared from Klee's face, replaced by excitement. Ajax smiled and patted her head again. "Yes, really, Klee. Big sis Lumine doesn't lie, your mister Ajax will definitely come back, okay? But till then here's a little something I got for you."

The ginger head gave Klee a.... bomb. A bomb that was cute, lightweight, red in colour, and probably highly explosive. Good gods, Jean and Albedo would have one hell of a time controlling Klee with that. Kaeya would probably encourage her though. Klee jumped in happiness and gave Ajax a big hug, who hugged her back. As they separated, Ajax mused, "You know Klee, you're really strong already. I wonder if sometime, we could-" "NO." Lumine said immediately. "Don't you dare complete that sentence, Klee is not going to do anything of the sort." She hugged Klee protectively while glaring at Ajax. "Oh come on Ojou-chan, just once-" "When I say no, I mean no."

"What is mister Ajax talking about?" Klee asked innocently, looking at her with big, cute puppy eyes. She sighed, she hated it when little kids gave her that look. They looked so adorable, how could anyone say no to them? "He wanted to test how strong you are, but you aren't going to do anything of the sort until you're grown up." "But Klee knows how to protect herself, so you don't have to worry, Big sis." She said sweetly. She groaned. "Klee, I know very well you can protect yourself. I'm more worried about the nation you guys fight in. It's probably gonna be, uh, obliterated and bombed to nothingness with you and Ajax. Neither of you hold back." "Hush hush, we don't talk about that." Ajax said.

After bidding farewell to everyone, Ajax and Lumine decided to teleport half of the way, to Stone Gate, then go on foot coz why not? But by the time night fell, they were unable to reach Liyue Harbor, so they decided to stay in the nearest inn, which happened to be Wangshu Inn.

"Hello Verr, long time no see! I'm finally back, could we book two rooms for the night?" Verr smiled politely at her. "Of course, but isn't that the Fatui Harbinger-" "Don't worry, he's with me. He won't cause any trouble... Because he knows what'll happen if he does." "Alright then, here's your rooms and your keys, have a good stay here." They climbed up to the second landing.

"Lumine." And of course, it was none other than our dear adeptus Xiao. He was glaring at the two of them with arms crossed, but poor Childe was receiving more of his glare. Ignoring that, Lumine cheerfully said, "Hey Xiao, we're back! How have you been doing? You didn't forget to take your painkillers, did you?" "I don't need them." He curtly said. "And I do believe you forgot to mention exactly who you had been travelling with." Her cheerfulness dropped. "Xiao." she said, warning in her tone. "How does it make a difference whether I travel with one of the Qixing or one of the Harbingers? And besides, I know how to take care of myself, I know who to trust."

"But are you a true Tevyatian? No! Have you known all about the Fatui since their foundation? No! Lumine, there are some things about this world that you don't know!"

"That's it. Tartaglia, go to your room. Now." She ordered, and he was more than happy to escape immediately. She coldly said, "Xiao, remember who you are speaking to. Are you implying that I'm naive? I might not know everything about this world yet, but that doesn't mean that you can't trust me on my decisions. Like I said before, you are judging him too quickly. And don't think I don't know why you are so pissed off at Childe. It was originally because of Childe's previous actions, but now you are simply jealous of him." By now, the sky had darkened and there were heavy clouds in the sky. Lightening was also crackling right above them, courtesy of Lumine, no doubt, whose eyes were also glowing golden now. As Xiao was about to retort, she continued, "And before you say that no, you're not, remember that I know you well. I understand you and your thought process. But does this mean that you're going to be jealous of every male I spend time with? 'Coz then, you've got a loooong list of people to pick a bone with. See, Xiao, you know darn well I won't leave you for anything. Not more, not primogems, not anything. But don't look down on me and my decisions. Remember that in the end, I am still one of the original twelve gods of the Thrones of Olympus."

He was silent for a while. "Are you really not going to leave me like everyone else?" He asked for confirmation. "Of course not, Xiao." she sighed. "...Fine. I won't be openly hostile to him now. I still don't like him though." "Just don't attack him, okay? Not verbally, not physically. I'll find a way to make you stop hating him though, mark my words." "In your dreams." He responded, turning away. "Hehe, typical Xiaoxiao." she chuckled as the serious and scary atmosphere dispersed. Lumine's mood took a rapid 180 degree again as she went back to her routine of mercilessly teasing Xiao. Ah, it had been a while since she'd done that, she'd forgotten how amusing and cute his reactions were. But eventually, she did retire for the night. She was tired from her journey after all.

Verr Goldet POV

She gulped as lightening crackled overhead, dangerously close to hitting the inn. "Oh Rex Lapis, please don't let them destroy my inn. Oh Rex Lapis, please don't let them destroy my inn." Almost as if on cue, it started raining. She so wanted to give them both a piece of her mind, but it was probably not best to interrupt two angry immortals.

After a few minutes though, her prayers were thankfully answered as the clouds and lightening dispersed and the clear starry sky was visible again. She sighed in relief as she wiped a bead of sweat from her forehead. Good archons, the things that happened here....

( 1250 words

 geez why does it feel like its been ages since ive written?? also uh, im thinking that in the holidays, I could make this lumine backstory chapter bcoz i feel like it probably kinda confusing.. what do yall think?)

Important in Another World- BOOK 2- A Genshin Impact Xiaolumi fanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora