Ch-2- Another Reunion

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Xiao POV

Ugh, this search couldn't be futile, could it? He had scoured the entire above ground part of the Chasm and had found absolutely nothing. Not wanting to leave any stone unturned, he straight up teleported inside the underground mines, unbothered by the seal. It's not as if the power of mortals could rival that of the adepti. But the Chasm was only leaving him constantly more frustrated with every passing second. Not to mention his hyper-active karma, which was greatly increased with all the miasma, dark mud, and hatred of fallen monsters and gods lingering around. But no, there had to be some trace left of him, there had to be. Whichever yaksha it was, there had to be a trace. Unless...

His thoughts stopped abruptly at the sight of a celestial pillar in the clearing up ahead. And he knew this was it. He could feel a yaksha's aura, and traces of karma emanating from there.

This was it. Unheeding of the danger sure to ensue, he ran towards the pillar.

Lumine POV

"With that impressive dismantling of the seal, expect me to be very disappointed if the mines aren't as impressive. Who knows, I might just become Paimon 2.0 for once and throw a temper tantrum." Lumine remarked to the group. "Hey!" Paimon exclaimed angrily. "No one at all is allowed to become Paimon 2.0! Only one Paimon will exist in the entire world." "You see, that's what I meant by becoming the next Paimon." Lumine chuckled. "Heavens above, no no not at all! You're a great buddy and all Paimon, but you're quite the handful to deal with, really. I don't think I'd survive with two Paimons by my side." Yanfei said, shaking her hands and head.

Zhiqiong interrupted them with a cough. "Uh, not meaning to interrupt this friendly conversation or anything-" "That's exactly what you're doing," Paimon huffed. "-but we've broken the seal, haven't we? We can finally advance our exploration and go down into the mines!" The group cheered at the first part of their quest being fulfilled. "That being said, we should probably report back to the camp. Not that anything will happen apart from us getting an earful." Zhiqiong added.

Several scoldings at their recklessness later, the party consisting of Lumine, Paimon, Yanfei, Zhiqiong and the rest of the exploration team was free to descend down. They could either jump right into the hole in the centre of the Chasm, or use a wing glider. Most chose to use the wing glider, but Lumine and Zhiqiong, being the daredevil adventurers they were, chose to jump straight in. And Paimon just flew. Or fell..?


After several extremely tiring days of running around exploring the Chasm and doing all the main work of the Chasm exploration team, Lumine, Paimon and Yanfei were finally free to do their own exploring. This was where Yanfei and Lumine chose to split up, agreeing to meet up again after an indefinite time. On her own again, Lumine chose to do something that had been on her mind for some time now. There had been this part of their journey where she and Zhiqiong had accidentally-not accidentally broken the ground in this area in the middle of the underground mines. But they had not explored it because she had to personally escort Zhiqiong back to the camp because of her sickness; she did not trust Zhiqiong to not go running off on some adventure on her own, even in her ailing state. After that, she had just put that part of her quest away for later, having gotten a glimpse of the massive ruins underneath. But now she went straight down again, unfortunately using her wing glider for fear of crashing against some floating rocks or something.

As she landed easily on the uneven rubble littering the ground, she and Paimon gaped up at the structure. "A city!" Lumine exclaimed. "An entire city that's... floating in the air..? Upside down!?" Paimon gasped. "I- whatever I was expecting, it was definitely not this." Lumine hummed in awe of the huge floating structure in front of them. "But think about it, Lumi, doesn't it remind you of something? Ugh, Paimon forgot the name though.." Paimon asked. Lumine thought back, until the answer came to her. "You mean the Defiled Statue, don't you?" "Yeah!" Paimon exclaimed in a victorious voice. "This place is just as strange, just as spooky and just as upside-down!" "This might mean that the Abyss Order really is connected to this place somehow." Lumine added. "Oh my, we gotta get to the bottom of th-" Paimon was cut off by a crackling and disturbance in the air behind them. Her instincts fast as the lightning she often commanded, her Dull Blade was instantly in her hand, her body in a fighting stance. Paimon had quickly floated behind her. She simultaneously swiveled around to find a portal opening up in front of them. An Abyss portal no less, which proved her hunch right.


"Oh." She said, not finding any other words as she let the presence of the being in front of them sink in. Here was another unexpected reunion.

"Dainsleif!?" She and Paimon exclaimed at the same time. "Oh wait, personal jinx!" She told Paimon. Don't ask why it suddenly popped up in her mind at such a serious time, because it just did. Paimon's eyes had gone wide in outrage, her hands on her hips and her jaw moving as though to speak, but her lips were sealed. Remembering the circumstances, she turned back forwards.

"Right, rewind the time. Dainsleif!? Okay, but for real, what exactly are you doing here, Dainsleif? I sure as anything wasn't expecting to see you here, of all places." "The feeling is mutual." The blonde man with an eyepatch sighed with a hand on his forehead. "I certainly hadn't expected to see you here either." She was about to speak something, but was interrupted by several punches from a tiny fist on her back. Oh right, she had jinxed Paimon.

"Paimon, Paimon, Paimon. There you go, I've unjinxed you, now let me talk kiddo." "Gah, Lumine, Paimon will make sure you pay! Anyways, long time no see, Dain. But how did you suddenly end up here?" "Where is here, exactly?" enquired Dain. "Oh, we are in the Chasm" Lumine informed. "The Chasm, huh.. One place that even I, in my long lifetime, haven't ventured into." he thoughtfully said, looking around him.

"However, I have a lot of questions for you, Dainsleif." She told him. He nodded in reply. "I understand how you must feel, for last time we met suddenly and parted hastily. But I ought to warn you that this isn't the right place for serious and secretive matters. If my theories about the portal network are correct, then the fact that there is a portal leading here tells us of the fact that the Abyss Order has their eyes on this location." As Paimon started to speak, he added, "I mean that it is highly likely that they are currently listening to every word we speak and watching our every move. I propose that we explore around a bit first; these are, after all, unfamiliar surroundings for both of us." Understanding what he was getting at, she turned around to look back at the floating city before saying, "I'll trust you. For now.", watching Dainsleif out of the corner of her eye. He raised an eyebrow and remarked, "Wise choice. I see a rare source of light up ahead, perhaps we should go investigate it." Lumine nodded and said, "Makes sense, however you go ahead and get there first. I'll join you in a bit, I'd like to explore the general area first." Dain nodded and set off, and she walked in the opposite direction, towards a clearing chock full of dark miasmic mud. But as she neared it, something appeared in front of her eyes. She heard a way too familiar voice pant, "-Ugh! Whats.. Going on... here.. It's too strong..." A worrying image had materialised that was constantly glitching.

An image of Xiao.

( 1367 words

And here's another chapter for you folks. Leaving it on a cliffhanger till next week coz why not XD)

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