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An extraordinary woman that you couldn't believe that exists in this world. A woman that can see future through her dreams and ghosts that she can even communicate with them, too. Who fell for a man that she saw in her dreams every night and never stop thinking about him when she was 15 years old. Few months, she found out that the man in her dreams is her best friend's friend from afar, Anelle, she kept it to her for long time. A hope gain inside her heart and dreaming big to see that man in the future, the man that can only save her from all of the pain she'd been through, protect her from her uncle and they only way to stop her uncle's evil doing is to marry him.

Will she see him?

Is it already too late?

Will she still love him if she found out that the man in her dreams that she fell in love already married?

Does she have a chance?

Will he be her FUTURE HUSBAND?

LadyEmophilia20 || Lady E.

FUTURE HUSBAND Where stories live. Discover now