Chapter 36: Year 11

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Today was the first day of year 11 at school. After putting on his pull up and school uniform, Jack said goodbye to his parents before meeting up with his best friend Kieran and walking to school with him. 

The school day began with an assembly, where Miss Blake spoke about an "disappointing incident on the last day of year 10" and reiterated the schools zero tolerance policy for bullying and fighting before giving a long presentation about exams and important dates. "And finally, before I dismiss everyone to period 1, I would like to remind everyone that the toilets are for break and lunch only. Due to a number of students using the toilet as an excuse to be out of lesson, we have decided to lock all the toilets during lesson times. For those with medical problems who have a written note from a doctor, you may use the toilet in the medical office. There is absolutely no reason for anyone to be out of lesson unless you are dying - that is the only exception" she said before allowing everyone to leave. The last point she made was bad news for Jack. Although he is medically exempt from the toilet ban, others may notice him being allowed to go out of lesson and get suspicious.

The rest of the day went by with no problems. Unfortunately James was not there as he was excluded until Thursday, same with Darren. However Isaac (the other person who saw Jack wet himself back in July) was there. Jack was stressed thinking he would have told people, however he seems to have taken his conversation with Mr Taylor seriously as no one had bothered Jack regarding the incident. Everyone was however talking about the fight between James and Darren with most people taking Darren's side.

When Jack got home his mum praised him for not having an accident in his pull up. He felt slightly embarrassed that his mum was praising him over this infantile achievement when he was 15 years old, but was glad she was in a good mood even after finding his used pull up stash in his bedroom last night. 

Jack got through the next 2 days without any major daytime accidents. The only thing was he wet his pull up slightly after making it to the toilet at the last minute, but it was only a couple of drops, it wasn't even worth changing into a new pull up. Jack tried his best to not need to go to the toilet during lessons to avoid suspicion and was determined to do all his homework on time to avoid unnecessary detentions.

On Thursday James finally returned to school. He walked into form with his crutches, his leg was still in a cast. He sat down next to Jack and Kieran and talked to them until period 1. At break time he went to see his friend Isaac and reached out for a fist bump. Isaac ignored him. "Bro, why are you airing me like that?" he asked. "You punched Darren you dickhead" said Isaac. "Well that prick deserved it. Are you really going to take his side? He's a bully." said James. Just then Darren showed up. "What the fuck are you doing here, no one rates you anymore go and hang out with that gay boy you care so much about. The pants pisser" he said. "Bro Mr Taylor said if we tell people about that we'll get expelled" Isaac warned. "So? The fuck is this guy gonna do he literally bumlicks the guy for no reason" said Darren. "Wait, what happened?" James asked. "Basically, Darren punched Jack and he pissed himself" said Isaac. "Oh shit" he said. "Yeah, so now you fuck off back to that pants pissing baby and don't talk to us again" said Darren while pushing James away, making him fall on the floor due to his broken leg as several more of their friend group showed up, laughing at him. James then went to find Jack. James went from being one of the popular kids, to now only having 2 friends: Jack and Kieran. Although Jack isn't technically just a 'friend'.

In Maths, the moment Jack had been dreading all week, finally happened. He needed the toilet. He was determined to make it through the whole week without an accident and to always use the toilet in school. He decided to go up to Mr Hegarty's desk while everyone was doing a worksheet, rather than put his hand up and make it obvious. "erm, sir. Can I please go to the toilet?" he whispered. Mr Hegarty nodded. After Jack left the classroom he made his way to the nurses office as it contained the only toilet in the whole that wasn't currently locked. "Jack! I haven't seen you in a while. Do you need to use the toilet or have you already gone?" she asked. "No I just need to use it" he said before going into the toilet. To Jack's relief, after he returned to class, no one seemed to even notice he had gone, so he didn't have to come up with an excuse for why he was allowed to leave.

Jack ultimately succeeded in getting through the entire school week without any accidents. His parents felt confident that he was on track to overcome the incontinence soon and go back to wearing underwear in school. The bedwetting however persisted.

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