Chapter 5: At the Doctor's

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In the GP waiting room, there was a strong smell of disinfectant. Jack tried going on his phone but there was no signal and no wifi. He was incredibly bored but also anxious.

After what felt like 2 hours later his GP Dr Patel finally came into the room and called his name. Once they got to Dr Patel's room they sat down and he asked "So from my conversation with your mum on the phone I hear you have been having problems with your bladder is that right?" Jack didn't want to speak but luckily his mum did instead. "yes he's been wetting himself at school a lot recently and actually since our phone call he's had another accident while we were out yesterday. He er-" she paused. "He pooed in his pants" she said as Jack looked down at the floor. "Ok" Dr Patel said while vigorously typing on his keyboard. He continued typing for another 10 seconds before turning to Jack "How long has this been going on?" He asked. "All his life really" his mum said as Dr Patel went back to typing. "ever since he was potty trained he's always been wetting the bed and had the odd accident at school - maybe once a month he would wet himself. He's always had problems with little leaks here and there but other than that he hasn't had an accident at school for many years though but he did wet himself a year ago on a road trip." Dr Patel continued typing and then asked "And you say the accidents have gotten worse in the past few weeks?" to which his mum said yes. Dr Patel stood up and got something out of the cupboard and said "So here's what we are going to do. This is to test your urine to see if we can find anything wrong from that. After you're done we will do a blood test" he turned to the computer and did more typing. Jack took the urine test from the doctor and went to the toilet. Jack didn't actually need the toilet so it took him a while, eventually he got some pee out and then went back.

After the blood test was finished, Jack went back to Dr Patel and his mum, relieved that it was all over. Once he sat down the doctor said "So we should get the results from those by tomorrow. But I think from your history, the main cause could just be a weak bladder, it could be laziness or it could be stress induced. At this moment I can't prescribe anything only thing I can give is advice which is to go to the toilet regularly,  avoid drinking anything before bed, and If the accidents continue definitely think about wearing nappies. I know it sounds terrifying wearing nappies to school but it's a lot more common than you think and at the end of the day it stops your trousers getting wet and you have to think about which could cause more embarrassment. I can write a note for Jack's school to allow him to go to the toilet during lessons". "That would be great, thanks" his mum replied. 

They went to the reception and collected the letter and then walked back home. "Do I have to wear pullups tomorrow" Jack asked. "Yes, we've been over this. If you can go one week without wetting yourself you can go back to wearing pants" his mum replied

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