Chapter 17: Summer

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Jack was sitting on his bed playing Warzone duos with James like he did most mornings in the summer break.

"25 people remaining" Jack said. "I don't think we have ever made it this far" said James. "I need the toilet I might go AFK" Jack said. "NO THE ZONE IS CLOSING. JACK DON'T DO THIS MAN. We made it this far we could win this." James begged. "Okay fine. It's a number 2 so I should be able to hold it" Jack said.

A few minutes later Jack really needed to poo. "James I really need to shit man" he said. "are you wearing a nappy?" James asked. "No" Jack replied. "I only wear them at night. And at school" he added. "Just put one on. Or go in your pants. We need to win this man there's only 15 people left" James said. Jack really did not like the idea. He thought about it for a moment and looked at a pack of pull ups at the other side of his room. "Fuck it" he said before getting up. But then suddenly he heard someone in the game run into the building he was in. He sat back down. "Shit, on me on me." he said to James. Jack groaned slightly from the pain of holding in his poo. "You good man?" James asked. "I'm literally about to shit myself" he replied. James laughed "No way man. In your pants?" Jack couldn't bare it any longer, he lifted his bum off the bed and released a log of poo into his pants. He let out a sharp exhale and felt the back of his pants with his hand. He could feel a long log sticking out, poking his hand. "Did you just..." James asked. "Yes" Jack said. "Like on your bed? You straight up just shit yourself?" asked James. "Yes, now lets focus on the game" said Jack.  

"You've made top 5, good work soldier" they heard the announcer say in game. "This is it man, you are about to get your first warzone win with shit in your pants" James mocked. Before Jack could respond James screamed loudly and the announcer said "Your teammate has headed back to base, your on your own, finish the mission". "Come on Jack, it's all on you now, focus" James said. Jack put his bottom back on his bed, squishing the poo inside his boxers and smearing it all over his bum and balls. 

A few minutes later there was just 1 duo remaining. Jack could feel more shit needed to come out. "I need to shit again. It's painful" Jack said. "Just let it out man you already shat yourself what difference does it make. focus on the 1v2" James told him. Jack pushed the remainder of the poo into his underwear with some wet farts and let out a moan. James was secretly enjoying the sounds coming from Jack. "you done?" James asked. "yes. Let's do this". When the zone started closing, Jack ran out from his building and called in a precision airstrike on the only other building in the area, killing one of the enemies. "Targets hit, we're RTB" said the announcer. "NICE" James shouted. Jack felt sweat drip down his forehead. Just 1 person remaining. It was a long fight but eventually Jack managed to kill him. "LETS GOOO" they both shouted in unison. "I have to go and clean up. I'll play more later." Jack said before taking off his headset and running to the bathroom. When he got to the bathroom door, his mum was walking up the stairs. "Oh my god, what is that smell" she said. "I don't know Jack said before going into the bathroom. "Come here Jack, you stink. What have you done" she said. Jack froze. "Turn around!" she demanded. Not wanting to get into more trouble, Jack did as he was told. His mum saw the lump and brown stain on the back of his boxers. "You've pooed yourself again. That's the 3rd time this month that you have pooed yourself like this". She said angrily. Jack started to cry and said "I'm sorry mum, I was playing warzone and..". "and what? you were too lazy to get up so you just did it in your pants like a baby. You're disgusting. Do I need to start putting you in nappies 24/7 because you don't know how to use a toilet?" His mum shouted. "No mum I'm sorry it won't happen again". "It better not. You are banned from the PlayStation for at least a week" she said. "Mum no please" Jack begged. "No! If you are so addicted to it that you would rather sit in a pile of your own shit and stink my house out rather than going to the toilet like a 15 year old should know how to do, then you need time away from it. Go outside or something. NO MORE GAMING. Now have a fucking shower, and throw those boxers in the bin, disgusting boy," she said before going into her room.

Jack went into the bathroom and removed his boxers which were full to the brim with his poop. As he did this a nugget of poop fell from his bottom to the floor with a plop. He put the boxers in a plastic bag to throw away and then rinsed off all the excess poop in the shower before thoroughly cleaning himself.

When he was done he went back to his room to see a brown stain on his bed. He stripped his bedsheets and put them in the laundry then messaged Kieran and James, telling them the bad news.

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