Chapter 16: Last day of school

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Jack managed to get through 3 days of no daytime accidents. Now it was the final day of year 10. 

School was fun. It was non uniform day so everyone wore whatever they wanted. They didn't do any actual work in lessons, just games. Everyone was most looking forward to the inter house football competition where all 6 forms play 5 matches against each other in PE. However, Jack was dreading it. He was the worst at football in his year group and all the boys in his form hated him for it. They all take the interhouse competition so seriously like its the Champions League or something.

James was made captain of Jack's form. He began assigning positions. Jack wanted to be in goal because it's the only position he is slightly good at. James was about to let him but too many people complained and insisted they put Kyle (the fat kid) in goal. Jack was forced to be a centre back despite being the physically weakest, only because not enough people wanted to be in defence. 

He stood next to Kieran at Right back before the match started. "Where did you go earlier to change?" he asked. Jack was allowed to change in the teachers office for PE so the other kids don't see his pull up, but he didn't want to tell Kieran that. "I felt a bit ill so I went to medical then I ended up just changing there cuz they locked the changing rooms" Jack lied. "oh" Kieran responded. 

They were playing Darren's form first. Darren was a striker and twice the size of Jack. Trying to defend 1v1 against him would be suicide. Jack just hoped that James (CDM) would be able to deal with him before he could get to the attacking third.

It wasn't long before Darren was running straight towards the goal. He managed to nutmeg the other CB after dribbling past James. He looked around to see both full backs were on the other side of the pitch after failing to react quick enough to the counter attack. He was on his own. "run at him" he heard James call out to him. Not wanting to disappoint his new boyfriend, he did what was asked. He ran to Darren, who lost control of the ball for 1 second, giving Jack the opportunity to clear the ball. "you got lucky you little shit" said Darren."

After the throw in, Darren received the ball in the box and scored. Jack was nowhere near in position. "OFFSIDE" James called out. "Fuck you James the teacher said no offside rule" Darren said back. "Fine, kick the ball back to me" James asked. Darren kicked the ball as hard as he could and it hit Jack in the face then he started laughing. "You did that on purpose" he heard James say. Jack fell to the ground and started crying. Kieran helped him up as James walked over. "Don't worry I'm gonna absolutely brexit tackle this guy" James said to Jack "What's a brexit tackle?" he asked. "You'll see" James replied.

Soon Darren was once again dribbling towards the goal. James ran perpendicular to him and slid into him kicking his shin in the process. Darren fell the the ground with a scream. "FUCK YOU JAMES. THATS A RED CARD!" he shouted. "no red cards just play on" a teacher shouted in the distance. "You're fucking dead James. Just because I kicked the ball at the faggot, why are you defending him" he said while getting up. James punched him in the face, making his nose bleed, then they started fighting. The teachers saw this and ran over shouting to stop. They sent James to the head of year and they had to continue with 10 men. with no CDM and Jack in defence, they proceeded to lose every single game, conceding 5+ goals every time. Everyone blamed Jack.

While running around, the sides of Jack's pull up tore, causing it to hang loosely. After PE, as everyone walked back to the changing rooms Darren and his friend Isaac cornered him in the corridor. "I told you to stay the fuck away from James" Darren said. "Why is he not allowed to have other friends?" Jack replied. "Don't talk to me like that" Darren said before punching him in the stomach. Jack felt his bladder release and pee started flowing out. As the pull up was not on properly all of the pee just poured out of it. Darren and Isaac watched as a wet patch grew on Jack's shorts and pee dripped down his legs, soaking into his socks and forming a puddle underneath. "WHAT THE FUCK THIS DUDE JUST FUCKING PISSED HIMSELF" Darren said loudly. luckily no one else was in the corridor anymore to hear this except Mr Taylor (PE teacher) who ran over to see what was going on. He told Jack to go to the nurses office and called Darren and Isaac into the PE office.

Jack sat, crying in the nurses office in his wet shorts, waiting for the nurse to finish dealing with another student. Mr Taylor walked in and sat next to him. "I've spoken to the boys, I've told them that if they tell anyone what happened they will be excluded from school and they have agreed to leave you alone. If they ever bother you again, you come to me and I'll sort it. Okay?" he said. "Okay. Thanks" Jack sniffed.

After Jack got cleaned up and changed in the nurses office he walked out and saw Kieran. "Hi, I heard what happened" he said. "What? Did they tell everyone?" Jack asked. "No I think they have been told not to but I overheard them talking about it alone in the changing rooms after everyone else left, I went back to look for you." Kieran said. "Where's James?" asked Jack. "In Miss Blake's office" he replied

They went to Miss Blake's (head of year 10) office and looked through the door window to see Darren and James sitting inside. They waited for a few minutes until Darren walked out and past Jack and Kieran towards the exit. Then James emerged from the office. "What happened?" Jack asked. "We're both excluded for 3 days in September" James replied "oh shit" said Jack while hugging James. 

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