Chapter 4: The shopping centre

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The next day Jack and his mum were at the shopping centre. They went to the cinema to book tickets for the new spiderman movie then went to boots to buy more pull ups and nappies.

"Do I have to come with you" Jack protested. "Yes" his mum replied. "But people will see me". Jack's mum gave him a very stern look that told him there was no point in arguing. 

While his mum looked through the shelves for nappies, Jack went to the edge of the aisle to look out in case people he knew was there. "mum please hurry up" Jack cried, embarrassed. His mum eventually came out of the aisle carrying a pack of youth nappies and a pack of drynites. 

As they walked over to the till to pay, Jack felt the need to poo. He didn't want to poo in a public toilet so he decided to hold it until he went home. eventually the need to poo went away. While his mum paid the cashier, who looked about 16, gave Jack a weird look, he obviously knew these nappies were for him. Jack was desperate for his mum to hide the nappies in a bag and finally leave the shop. 

After they left boots Jack let out a sigh of relief, the worst part was over and no one he knew saw him. They went to superdry and bought some clothes and then went to taco bell for lunch.

After they finished eating Jack's mum asked him "do you want to wear a pull up during the movie?". Jack instantly replied with "No". "I just think it's a good idea because you have to get used to them if you're going to wear them at school". "I'll be fine" Jack replied, annoyed. Jack's mum looked at the time and realised the movie was about to start soon and there wasn't time to argue with Jack about this so they just went to the cinema.

Halfway through the movie Jack needed to pee. He was about to get up to go to the toilet but then a really important fight scene came up that he didn't want to miss, so he waited for a bit. This fight scene seemed to never end and his need to pee worsened. Jack really wished he had listened to his mum. Eventually he felt his pants get warm and pee flooded the suede seat. luckily it was dark and the sound of pee trickling to the floor was drowned out by the loud dramatic music. halfway through peeing, Jack felt a cramp in his stomach and let out a wet fart. But it wasn't just a fart. Jack lifted his bum off the seat slightly, his soaking wet trousers stuck to the seat. He felt soft logs of poo come out of his bum and fill his boxers. He couldn't believe what was happening. It must have been because of the taco bell food and caffeine in the coca cola he had. He sat back down in his seat and felt the sticky wet poo squish against his bum. He felt so weird. A few moments later his mum turned to him and whispered "You stink, have you shat yourself?" Jack nodded. His mum grabbed his arm and took him out of the cinema. She took off her cardigan and gave it to him. "tie this around your waist" she said.

When they got to the toilets she took him into the disabled toilet and pulled down his trousers. "mum I can do this myself" Jack said. "No! you do as I say for once" his mum replied angrily. 

She carefully removed his boxers revealing his poo covered bum. A pile of poo splat onto the floor. Jack started to cry. He hadn't had an accident like this in years. His mum wiped down his bum making sure there was no poo left. she used about 15 wipes. Then she wiped Jacks penis. "Mum stop" Jack said. "I'm sorry but I have to do it. It's not like I haven't seen it before!". Then she brought out a pull up from the bag. "It's fine I'll go commando!" he said. "It's not up to you" his mum replied and gave him the pull up to put on. Then she gave him a pair of jeans they had bought earlier.

As soon as they got home, Jack ran upstairs and pulled down his trousers and ripped off the pull up and threw it in the bin then changed into some underwear. He could hear his parents talking about him in the other room.

Later that day when it was time to go to bed Jack's mum cam into his room and said "It's time to change into a nappy. These ones have tapes so its hard to put on yourself so i'll do it." Jack begged his mum to let him try himself but she insisted. "Lie down on your bed" she ordered. His mum took off his trousers and his pants and lifted his legs up. she slid the nappy underneath his bum and put powder on him then taped it up. Jack got up and looked in the mirror. He looked like a baby. "why can't I just wear pull ups" he said. "The drynites always leak in the night so you need proper nappies. I can't believe you are 14 now and I am having to change your dirty underwear and put you in nappies. We are going to see the doctor tomorrow hopefully he can figure out what is wrong with you." she said before leaving the room. 

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