Chapter 30: Miami (Part 2)

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They spent the next few days exploring Miami and chilling on the beach. On the last day, Jack's dad hired a small boat.

They spent most of the afternoon relaxing in the boat as his dad drove around Biscayne Bay, listening to 80s music on the speakers. "Jack you can have some beer if you want, it's in the cooler box" said his dad. He opened the box and took out a can before admiring the view of the vibrant blue water and the city of Miami behind it. 

"I need the toilet" Jack said after drinking 3 cans of beer. "There's no toilet on the boat, just go in the water" said his mum. Jack stood up and stumbled slightly before walking over to the edge of the boat - he was a slightly tipsy from the beer. He took out his penis and started peeing when he realised, he didn't just need to pee. He also needed to poop. He had been constipated in the last few days and hadn't done a poo in 2 whole days. Jack was determined to hold it, but he found it to be quite hard to hold in poop while simultaneously peeing. He reached back and held his butt with his free hand while waiting for his peeing to finish. Suddenly the boat rocked violently, after being caught in a wave causing Jack to almost lost balance. He also felt a small turd come out of his bum and into his boxers in the process. When he finished peeing he turned around and saw his parents were distracted with other things. He decided because it was only a small amount of poop, he could hide it by sitting down and squishing it so there won't be a lump in the back of his shorts. He didn't want to ruin their last day of the holiday by revealing that he had just pooped his pants on the boat. Because of the ocean breeze and the boat not having a roof, the smell was hidden very well. Jack's plan had worked.

After a while, sitting on the lump of poop became increasingly uncomfortable. "When can we go back?" Jack asked. "Let's chill out here for another hour" said his dad before turning off the engine and sitting down at the back of the boat while drinking some beer. It wasn't long before Jack needed to poop even more. Jack started to feel an extreme pressure in his bowels - 2 days without a bowel movement has meant what was coming was going to be one of the biggest poops he's ever produced. The pain became unbearable. "Mum I really need to poo can I just poo in the ocean please?" he asked. "What the fuck Jack, no" she said, disgusted he would even consider such a thing. "What would people think if they saw someone shitting in the ocean from a boat" said his dad. Jack started to cry "Mum, I really can't hold it, what do I do" he said before standing up in a half squatted position. He felt his anus expand as the extremely large log slowly inched its way into his boxers. He looked at his mum in front of him. His dad watched as a massive lump formed at the back of his son's shorts. He stood like that for another 20 seconds, crying and farting loudly as his shorts became heavier and heavier, some logs of shit began spilling out of his boxers and splatted onto the deck of the boat. Eventually his mum broke the awkward silence "We forgave your previous soiling accidents, because you had diarrhoea, but this is just laziness. Why didn't you go at the hotel?" she said, lividly. "I didn't need it at the hotel" he sobbed. She went in her bag and took out a pull up. "Put this on now" she said. Jack looked around to see multiple other boats in the vicinity. "But people will see" he said. "Well you seemed happy to shit in the ocean, showing your arse off to everyone a few minutes ago" said his dad. "I wasn't really going to do that" Jack said. "Just take those shorts off now" his mum demanded. "Mum everyone will see me naked with poo all over my arse I'm not doing that, can we just go back to the shore please" he begged. His mum stood up and grabbed him "Let me see how bad it is" she said before pulling back the waist of his shorts to inspect the inside. "MUM STOP" he shouted. "That's fucking disgusting. You should be ashamed. You always had problems going for a wee but shitting yourself only seems to have been happening more recently. What's happened to you Jack" she said "I DON'T KNOW IT WAS AN ACCIDENT" Jack shouted back. His mum started to pull down his shorts "Mum what are doing, stop it. I'll get cleaned up after we get to the shore please stop" he pleaded. "No I want you to put this nappy on now before you ruin this boat even more. We are going to be fined for you shitting all over it like an animal" she said. "FUCK YOU, GET OFF ME!" he shouted, pushing his mother away. "JACK CALM THE FUCK DOWN" shouted his dad "Also Amanda, I think you should put him in one of those tape up nappies these pull ups aren't that good for holding his poo" he added. "You're right" she said before getting one of the tape up nappies from her bag. "No, no stop please, I'm done I don't need to poop anymore" he said before sitting down, squishing the mess all over the inside of his boxers, mushing against his penis. "Now look, what you've done. You've just made it harder for us to clean" said his mum "Mum, stop please, what use is a nappy going to be after the accident, you don't have a time machine" he said trying to reason with her. "I don't care, you're being punished for shitting yourself like a baby". she said. "I'll put it on after we get to shore, not now when people can see. "LET THEM SEE. THEY CAN SEE WHAT I HAVE TO DEAL WITH, WIPING SHIT OFF OF MY DISGUSTING TEENAGE SON WHO DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO USE A FUCKING TOILET" she screamed before yanking Jack's shorts down "Simon help me" she said to his dad. He went over and helped restrain Jack while she pulled down his boxers and used it to scoop up the mound of poop attached to his bum cheeks. Jack just sobbed loudly "It's not my fault, I have a condition and you say shit like that and treat me like a fucking toddler" Jack said. "I wish James was here, he wouldn't treat me like this" he added. "WELL GO AND LIVE WITH FUCKING JAMES, HE'LL GIVE YOU FOOD, SHELTER, A HOLIDAY TO FLORIDA FOR FUCK SAKES. We do all this for you and this is how you repay us" she said. Jack closed his eyes and continued crying until his mum finally finished wiping him before taping up the nappy. "What am I going to wear?" he asked. "Nothing, just that. You're shorts are ruined, we don't have anything else." said his mum.'

When they got back to the marina, Jack was wearing just a t shirt and a tape up diaper. He had to walk back to the hotel like this. Everywhere he looked, people were laughing and staring, a few people even took photos until he managed to pull his T-shirt down and stretch it out far enough that it covered the diaper. 

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