Chapter 22: Despair and Hope

Start from the beginning





Another morning came, thus I thanked the gods and whoever it was up above with my chance of obtaining a second life. 

[Waaaaaa....what a great way to start the day with some hot coffee and stale bread] The coffee beans were freshly ground that's why the aroma was quite strong and enticing, the taste? It was great. Stale and stone-hard bread got defeated by the coffee hence it was a great combination. The only problem is that there's a lot of guests today, specifically knights donning themselves in a complete set of white armor.

Arriving early in the morning, all 50 vacant rooms of all kind were immediately got taken by them....the days worth of rent? 1 month.

[Book each of us for 1 month and include breakfast and dinner as well] (??)

[Yes........that will all be....] I can't forget that for once, I will see gold coins as payment for an inn accommodation. A bag of those, 10? 20? I don't know anymore.

Don't get me wrong, I do have a lot of gold coins in my stash but it was my first time seeing it as payment at this inn. Commonly it is silver coins and copper coins as those are common; gold coins are just that uncommon since most city folks would keep it as savings.

It's like seeing the $1000 bill for the first time as a kid despite having $10,000 in your parent's debit card.

Also the person in front of me is an eye-patched female knight, and behind her is an ivory white halberd with golden streaks. What is with the girls I met these days? Why are they all muscled up and have their favorite weapons at their backs?

Anyway I received the payment and then guided the guests to their rooms, other than that it was pretty normal early in the morning.

The next thing to be done is to check for the inventory of food stocks and beverages. This inn buys food early in the morning before the sun rises, as for the booze and other drinks it is often bought at night since that is when bars are active. Brewery is quite common here especially for alcoholic stuffs like beer, mead, and of course wine. As such the budget is quite high, and the one tasked for that is sir Matthew. 

[Lad, you should eat breakfast by now. I will handle the work here in your stead] (Matthew) 

[Got it] I am already used to the life here, and I vowed to myself that I will protect this feeling at all cost. The food, the bed, and shelter are the basics but these by itself are enough to satisfy me.....and that satisfaction is ruined by the situation of having an organization who's aim is to destroy the world...

As if someone would want world domination right? Do they even have the money and forces to do so? 

I laughed in my mind as I head into the kitchen, not knowing that I just dropped a huge jinx on myself




A dungeon is an adventurers best friend and enemy. We can earn money through exploring it and looting the items found in the depths of the place, as for being an enemy...let us say that 9:1 is the threat to our lives. The chance of dying is 10% and double if you're new, careless, and naive. 

[And that is how we arrive in our current rank] (Rynia)

[..............] Long story short, those words mentioned above were stories from the experiences the twins have gone through in their journey as adventurers when they were still in the beginning stages of their career.

Rank B. Hearing the letter B as an item rank sounds disappointing, but when you talk about the person's rank in the dangerous business called "adventuring"...that is when you think it is already high enough for someone to consider retiring after reaching the aforementioned rank. 

After breakfast comes the usual pesky visitor, except she's not with her twin this time. It seems that poor ol' Ethan was on an errand.......

In short I am forced to deal with the usual again.

[Okay, but what does that have to do with me?]

[Huh? You haven't entered your first dungeon, so I am here to bring you to one] (Rynia)

[......................Excuse me?] The breakfast which was quite delicious, had its taste disappear in my mouth after hearing the sinister words from this red head's mouth.

[Also we will have to accompany a group of knights later on] (Rynia)


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