A Change of Heart

Start from the beginning

I didn't have anything to say in response, not right now. Everyone was looking at me like some sort of anomaly. My Goddess, Loki was screaming since this could put her in hot water and could change her position among the two strongest deities in Orario.


"Maybe it had something to do with Bell," I said in the surprise of Loki since I hadn't said anything the whole time "But I refuse to believe that it was because he's a monster lover. You know what the secret of those monsters is,"

"...Listen, just cause they can talk don't mean they're any different,"

"How many of the adventurers died to the Xenos,"


"How many of the Xenos did we kill,"

"...That's not the point here Ais-Tan-"

"They killed none of us yet we killed them. They went out of their way to not do so,"

"I believe that's not the issue at hand here Ais," Finn spoke up sitting on the couch. "You protected monsters, no matter what they did that is a fact, and because of that our familia is under investigation and held on a tight leash by the guild,"


"If you believe what you did is right then get out," 

"Hey, Finn?!" Tiona yelled from the side

"Finn, I don't recall giving you a standing above me," Loki glared angrily 

"If this familia goes under because of this I will be the first to leave. I have my own dreams as well and if they get shattered cause we protected monsters there's no going back,"

"Fine. I'll leave right now then," I spoke up

"Oi, Ais!" Bete yelled but I didn't listen.

I left the room quietly and left the house.

(Loki POV)

"Godamn it Finn what the hell are ya doing?" I asked

"You're too nice on her. Do you even know how dangerous of a spot we're in now? A little scolding isn't going to change her, she needed some kind of punishment,"

"...Damn it...Bete go after her,"

As he got up another Amazon blocked the way.

"I stand with Finn on this one. We should let her be on her own for right now," Tione said boldly

"I think you all are forgetting something," My normal attitude was gone "I am the goddess here. My word is absolute. If I say do something you do it,"

"...It's fine Tione, let him go," Finn said nonchalantly 

With that Tione reluctantly moved and Bete set off.

'What kind of brats did I raise?' I wondered as I looked at my children in the room.

(Ais POV)

Afterward, I made sure to keep clear of Bete and just wandered around outside, then I finally after a day of wandering I decided that I would stop by to see Bell.

When I went there Hestia originally didn't want me to come in but after some contemplating she finally decided that it may do Bell some good to see me.

We went up to his door and knocked...

(Bell POV)

"What do you need, Ais?" I asked as I turned my body around to look her in the eyes.

"I would like to talk to you about the Xenos,"

"I likely don't know any more than you do,"

"Lady Hestia, will you leave us?" Ais turned her attention to the short goddess.

"...Fine, If I hear a single moan though I swear I will-"

"Yea, yea. Just hurry up," I said as she left the room.

Hestia left despite being angry about it. Despite how she acts she does actually care enough to know a little bit about what I'm feeling and to listen to what I want to say.

"What's up?"

"I wanted to check in on you,"

Ais was quite blunt with the remark, but even so, she kept going.

"I heard that you killed lots of adventurers to protect Wiene, the Vouvire girl, and I wanted to make sure you were ok with all the pressure and slander coming at you right now,"

"Don't you know that I killed nearly the whole Apollo Familia? What makes you think this is different?"

Directly contradicting what I thought earlier, I asked her this to see her reaction.

"Well...I still thought it'd be good to check in on you. You never know when you may really be affected by it,"

I let out a very small smile, one so subtle that a normal person wouldn't be able to see it.

"You're becoming a great Hero Ais. I'm sure tons of people will look up to you in the future,"

She scratched her cheek and adverted her eyes.

"No...I only helped the Xenos because you told me about them beforehand. If you didn't tell me..."

"But that doesn't matter. You did help since I told you, don't look at the what if's,"

"Yea...I guess you're right,"

After that, we made some small talk and she left.

'You're doing great Ais, you have the ability to save people and you have the naivety of a hero. After all, you forgot to ask me for the answer to your own question,'

I was about to turn back over when I looked up.

'Man...What am I doing?'

I pushed myself out of bed and went into the hallway. I have read through Daedalus's notebook so I know what's in it. Fels told me to not show my face around them again, but that won't be necessary. 

I called everyone to the dining hall, everyone was happy to see me get out of bed but they changed once they knew this was serious.

"I'm going to get the Xenos back into the dungeon. I made this mess but at least I can pick up the scrapes,"

Everyone here was loyal, but I could sense their doubt. Even Hestia who was the most Loyal.

"Hermes or Freya will likely intervene again, and because of the possibility, I am expecting some drawbacks. However, I will be attempting to place some pressure on them. To do that I'll need your help,"

Everyone's eyes opened at this. Normally I would give people small roles and hog all the action for myself.

But I know now...The reason why I lost to Freya in the pleasure quarter and Hermes just now. It's because I'm not utilizing my allies as well as I should.

"I'll admit, I still do have my doubts," Welf said as he scratched his head "But, I like this change of heart you've got. I'll work with ya. Again and Again,"

"I too have had my doubts Bell," Mikoto said, but after looking at Hartuhime she smiled "But if Haruhime wants me to help then how can I say no,"

Everyone agreed.  Everyone was going to play a role here other than just Background Character A.

"This will be difficult, but I am confident in my abilities of strategy, so please bear with me,"

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