27. she is not one of us

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It had gotten quite a bit darker as Brenda and Nancy talked in her tent.

Nancy felt relief, they all have completed their mission - finding the Right Arm, all while running away from WICKED.

Brenda was able to get something injected in her to stop the Flare from growing inside of her mind - Thanks to Thomas and Nancy.

But, Vicky fears, Vicky fears that eventually, one day, she's gonna turned into one of them, one of the cranks - an outcast. From normal human beings, just to turned into veiny, croaky and gargling cranks who lost their minds out.

Helicopters and wiring sounds could be heard outside as both girls are talking.

Curiously, Nancy steps out of the tent, Brenda following as she put her hand on her shoulder. Confusion wore on both girls as they watched helicopters throws down their bombs. Explosion spreads through the base, Nancy watched in horror.

Sonya. Newt.

The first things that comes to her mind. "Brenda! You searched for Jorge, while I'll go the other way! I have to find my friends!" She ordered and Brenda nodded, tapping her shoulder. "Hey, be careful." Nancy nodded as they both run in opposite directions.

Vivian, on the other hand, noticed the explosion before her, hissing angrily.

She sprinted towards Vincent who happened to have the weapons, with the teenagers around her, she commands them to take cover. "Go! Go! Follow Harriet and find Vince!" Vivian commands and Vicky nodded, following her mother's order as she urged her friends to find Vince.

Soon enough, Vincent appears as more bombs started to crashed. Bea hold Prim closer as the little girl cried, "It's okay, Prim. It's okay, just stay close."

Nancy bumped into Newt harshly, not watching where she's going as she looks for her friend, "God, Nance! Where in the bloody hell have you been!" He doesn't let her response as he pulled her in as the Twins, Vicky, Bea, Harriet, Frypan and Minho hopped along on Vince jeep, grabbing needed weapons as they started to shoot towards the guards.

More hell are lose now as the base of the Right Arm was destroyed by WICKED' bombs.

Vivian, not so far the kids, took out her bow and arrows - skillfully taking the guards down one by one. Letting out a war cry, she shoots one of the guards that seems to aim at her daughter, Vicky, who wasn't paying attention much.

Nancy grunted, swinging her axe over the guards, swiftly dragged and stabbed them into unconsciousness, and well some, dead.

Prim stayed besides Bea silently, who shoots at the guards violently. "Prim! Stay close and don't let go!" She said over the noises and the bombs. "I'm not planning to let go!" Prim yelled wrathfully.

Unaware of the electrical bomb that was thrown towards them, Nancy, Vicky, Bea, Prim, Newt, Minho, Harriet, Vivian, Vincent and Frypan were hold hostage by the WICKED' guards.

Lining them up one by one: Minho, Newt, Nancy, Vicky, Harriet, Aris, Prim, Frypan and Bea. Bea looked over and saw that one of the guards practically dragged Sonya harshly. The blonde girl was placed to the ground besides her, huffing angrily.

The guard scanned something on her neck, reminding Bea what Brenda did back at the building.

"Subject B4." The guard called out. Another guard happens to scanned Minho, Vicky and Prim. "Subject A7, Subject B5 and Subject B11." The guard called out as he walked past the trio, who seems to glared deathly at the man.

"Subject B12, Subject A5, Subject B2." A guard shouted as he scanned Nancy, Newt and Harriet.

Janson could be seen walking in the middle of the enormous amount of people they had captured, looking around. "How many did we get?" Janson asked, as another person walked into the view. Carter Jewels.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐑,     𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗺𝗮𝘇𝗲 𝗿𝘂𝗻𝗻𝗲𝗿Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang