52. if we survived the great war

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The words that left Bea's lips alone explained how much Thomas means to her.

Those words spoke volumes about the love and admiration that Bea had for Thomas. There was no doubt in her mind about how important he was to her, and she was going to do everything in her power to ensure he was safe.

The silence brings Thèrèse to nudge Nancy. "Nancy.. there isn't enough time. We must go. Bea, please.." Thèrèse pleads for the girl to stay behind. "It was too risky and someone needs to stay behind to watch over Vicky and Brenda if they need help." Thèrèse said. Her words brought a sudden quietness to the group, where they stopped and considered what was happening.

Bea needed to stay behind, watching over Brenda and Vicky, and making sure that they were safe. She was right... someone had to stay behind to watch over them, and Bea was the perfect choice.

Thèrèse moves over until she's infront of Bea, holding her shoulders. "Look, I know you could be reckless at times and did stupid things, but-" Thèrèse tried reassuring Bea. "If there's someone I could trust outside. It would be you." She nods firmly.

She was trying to reassure and comfort Bea by telling her how much she could depend on her and trust her.

Bea's recklessness had gotten her into many dangerous situations before, and she didn't always make the smartest choices.

However, she felt confident that Bea could be trusted in a crisis, and that she would be able to manage whatever came her way.

"So, what do you say, Rebel Claw? Wanna have your last moment with me before I die?" Vicky called from the bus, trying to inject a bit of humor into their tense situation. She asked with a little bit of sarcasm, wanting to joke and bring a bit of lightness to this situation.

Bea sighs in despair, blinking her eyes. "Don't say that.." She mumbled before looking at the rest and nods. "Fine. I-I'll stay." She said, patting Nancy's shoulder before hurriedly get into the bus. "Be safe." She nods.

Thèrèse nods firmly as a respond, "We will." She said before nudging Nancy and Gally. "Come on. We had to get to Thomas and Newt before my father and his soldiers find them. If they did, it's their funerals." Thèrèse said frustratingly as they ran back in the building. Her statement made sense, they absolutely had to get to Thomas and Newt before her father and his soldiers found them, otherwise they would be in big trouble.

She rushed along with Nancy and Gally, running rapidly to make sure they were the first ones to reach Thomas and Newt.

The place took where Thomas and Newt were running away from WCKD'S soldiers with Minho. Finally, they found their best friend. But, Teresa is nowhere to be found. Thomas, Newt and Minho rushed towards every corner to dodge the bullets flying past them.

Thomas found a room, and quickly urging them all inside. "In here! In here!" He shouted, sounding urgent. They all hurried to follow him inside the room, trying to comply with his order as quickly as possible.

They shut the metal door, using their strength to keep it sealed as firmly as possible. The soldiers were relentless in their pursuit, firing countless bullets and setting fires all around. There were too many of them, and they kept coming despite the efforts of the trio. There were too many soldiers. Too many bullets and fires.

As the soldiers kept shooting and the room started to fill with smoke and the heat increased, the three of them were breathing heavily and becoming increasingly exhausted.

"Any ideas?!" Minho shouted above the sound of gunfire and explosions, trying to be heard over the chaos.

Their air mix was already becoming dangerously toxic, and the room was filling up rapidly with the thick fog.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐑,     𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗺𝗮𝘇𝗲 𝗿𝘂𝗻𝗻𝗲𝗿Where stories live. Discover now