11. heart to heart

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The sun has now set and it's already dark. Aris and Vicky were looking for firewoods, to light up the fire that they have made.

The fire was cackling in front of them, shining up their darkness. They all sat in silence, observing the fire in front of them.

"I missed the glade." Frypan confess, tears sliding down his cheek. Thèrèse glanced at him sadly.

"Why don't we play something?" Bea tried, lighting up the mood. "Well, It's not exactly a game or anything.. it's more like a confession," She said, looking around, finding them still sad, looking down. So, she tried again.

"It is called, heart to heart."

Their heads perks up at the mentioned. "Heart to heart?" Minho asked.

"Yes. Heart to heart. This way we can understands one another and shared a lot of different stories about ourselves." Bea beams, her eyes lit up. "Um, no matter sad, or happy memories, we can all share it together. Who knows we have a lot in common?"

Their eyes flickered at eachother, Thèrèse from besides Frypan is still quiet, hiding her face between her knees, that was on her chest.

"Sure, why not?" Vicky smiles and shrugged. "Okay," Bea smiles gleefully, "great, um, whoever can go first.." She mumbled, playing with her fingers.

It was silence for a while, the group thinking of something that is truly from their heart. Nancy spoke first, "Like, unspoken words?"

Vicky pursed her lips. It's not like she has anything to say. They all have been through a lot of things together and alone. But Vicky, herself don't think she has anything to say. Except, the night she had a dream about her mother. "Guys, I've been meaning to tell you something. It's not really a heart to heart, but it's something I've known and didn't tell you."

The group looks at Vicky, giving her the signal to continued.

"A few days ago, I had a dream. We.. probably have a lot of dreams and nightmares from where we were little in the past, but this time it's different. Look, I know I'm sound crazy right now, but.. I can feel her." She beams, placing her hand on her heart, hearing its beating.

"Who?" Nancy asks, "My mom." She said, the group exchanges confused looks. "You remembered your mother?" Minho asks.

"Not really, I think so? Usually, all I'd get were blurry visions of her, but this time, it was crystal clear. As if, it was showing me a message, a hint, anything." She paused, looking at all of them, who are looking at her in awe.

"That's so cool!" Bea gleefully exclaims, throwing her head back on Nancy's shoulder. "Really? What have you saw?" Newt asks.

"A redheaded woman. She's standing on the edge of the hill. She was wearing a green dress, with white sandals, dancing around, singing lullabies to me." Vicky blurted, trying to find more words to describe her dream.

"It feels like a fairytale." She pointed out, her gaze softened.

"Woah," Bea giggles in awe. "That's great, V! So, does this means she's still alive or what?" Nancy asks, softly.

"I'm not sure, but, I can feel her. I can feel her spirit guys. It was like, an enchanting wind from the fairytales, telling me that even in the end of the story, there are still happy endings." She smiled, her large eyes glistening through the night. 

"Are we planning on finding her or what?" Teresa questions from her spot. Vicky sigh and shake her head, "I don't think we'll have times. We still have missions to attend. The Right Arm was still out there, far away from us. I cannot risk anyone else." Vicky started, wrapping her arms around herself.

Thomas nodded, "You're right. Why don't we searched for your mother after we found the Right Arm? We can get them to help finding your mother?" Thomas suggest, smiling faintly at the girl.

"Thanks guys, I really appreciated this." Vicky mumbled softly, observing their determination and softened looks.

"Anyone else wanna share something? We've gotten more comfortable now, are we?" Bea asks hopefully. They all nodded and started to tell more of their stories.

Starting with Minho, Bea, Teresa, Aris, Thomas, Newt and Frypan. They all have shared their stories, for better and for worse, they shared their stories with honesty and laughter. It was great, spilling out the thoughts that buried deep into your heart and mind.

After hours and hours of laughter, they are finally recovered from their earliest pain. When it's finally midnight, almost all of them were asleep except, Thèrèse, Teresa, Nancy and Thomas.

Well, Thèrèse knows Teresa was awake and the girl also knows that other girl was awake.

After few times of Thomas tossing around, he finally gets up and moved away from the rest. Nancy noticed this and followed after him, having no clue that the other two girls were observing them.

Soon, Nancy found the boy all by himself, next to a tree. Looking at the moon, then at the ground.

"Moon-gazing is a good idea." Nancy said, making her presence known to the boy.

"Hey, Tommy." She smiled, getting next to him. "Oh, hey.." He said, "Can't sleep either?"

"Nope, are you okay?" She asked softly, putting her hand on his lower back. Thomas shakes his head and lick his lips, "No, not really to be honest," His tone slightly break, a tear rolling down his eyes.

"Do you want to talk about it? You know, you can tell me anything. Heart to heart." She said, still held the same tone, wrapping her arms around him, in attempt of comfort. Nancy was worried about the boy.

Thomas hesitates before leaning onto her touch. "In these past few days, 3 of my friends have already passed away and I just feel, I feel like it's all my fault."

"What makes you think that?" She asked, softly, his head turned so he could look at her better. "I should have protected them better. If I just hadn't solved the maze and wanted to leave so badly, we'd still be in the glade and everyone would be alive. Then, Chuck wouldn't have had to die for me either. And if I had stayed with you and Winston, then he would've never been scratched and he would still be alive."

"It is not your fault, Tommy. You have no control over things that have happened to the others, you only have control over your own life. Everybody wanted to get out of the maze, you weren't the only one. Did you know that my maze were the earliest to arrived in that building? You can now worried about things you've wished you had done differently, but that's all in the past now, you are in control of how you would deal with it. So, please, don't feel guilty for things you couldn't change."

"Maybe you're right. I just- I just found it hard to accept that they were gone now.."

"And that's okay too, it may take some time to cope but it only makes it harder for yourself if you keep telling yourself this bullshit!" Thomas smiled warmly at the girl, amazed at how she could say the perfect words at the perfect time. He really grateful he had found her.

"You are an amazing person, Tommy. You really are. And I see that now. I see that." Nancy explained it perfectly, her hand softly resting on his shoulder to attempt comforting him.

"Thank you, Nancy. That means a lot to me." He whispers softly. They smiled softly together. "I really mean it, Tommy. You are a strong person. Strong heart." She said, the tones of hers never change. So soft that Thomas could sleep just by listening to it.

Nancy rests her head on Thomas' shoulder, feeling tired. "Hey, Nance, can I ask you something?" She hums in response.

"Uh.. never mind, it's just a, it's just a stupid question." "Oh, okay." She hums softly, feeling herself already half asleep.

"Are you alright?" He mumbled. Nothing. "Nancy?" He looks at her and noticed that she's already sleeping her head on his shoulder. He smiled quietly to himself before whispering the girl 'goodnight'.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐑,     𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗺𝗮𝘇𝗲 𝗿𝘂𝗻𝗻𝗲𝗿Where stories live. Discover now