59. lights will guide you home

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Bea thinks of Newt every so often.

She still felt the void left by Newt's death. She missed him dearly, and his absence was felt all around her. It was a pain that was slowly getting better, but there were still times when she would think of him and feel her heart sink. That was something that she probably would never fully heal from, but she was learning to live with it and to keep his memory alive in her heart. It was her way of honouring him, and she knew that he would have liked that.

The memory of Newt's death haunted her, every time she closed her eyes she could see his lifeless body lying in front of her, the knife stabbed into his heart.

This was something that she wished to forget, something she desperately wanted to push from her mind and move forward. But as much as she tried to push these images away, she could never forget him.

Bea missed his annoying nature and his grumpy attitude, even if she got on her nerves sometimes she couldn't help but miss him.

The constant arguments they would have were something that she also thought of, and she couldn't help but smile slightly as she thought of how she'd annoy him and he'd play along.

Newt was the only one who could keep up with her and her annoying nature, the rest were too busy with their mental struggles. And she missed having someone to banter with, someone she knew would come back at her with a snarky remark or insult.

She never truly realized how much she needed him until he was gone. His presence was a light presence like hers, and her life felt as if it went on mute the day he died.

Bea missed seeing his smile as he made another sarcastic joke or insult towards her, the way he'd chuckle and be satisfied with himself was something she missed so much more than she could ever admit.

The world was a dimmer, darker place without him around. And sometimes she couldn't help but blame herself for not appreciating him more while he was still alive.

Tiny fingers reached for her cold, bruised ones. "Huh—Prim..." Bea paused, her thoughts were interrupted by the tiny hands reaching for hers. She quickly pulled her gaze towards her little sister and gave her a small smile. "Don't be sad, Bea."

Bea thought Prim was so innocent, so pure, and so carefree. She didn't want Prim to get tangled in her sadness. So she put a mask on her face, suppressing her feelings to protect Prim.

"I'm not sad, just tired."

"Promise?" Prim asked, clinging onto her hand. "You're strong because you're my big sister. I don't want to see you sad.." she whispered.

She was overwhelmed with emotion, feeling a sudden wave of sadness as her little sister spoke those words. She couldn't help but smile, a genuine one this time, as she realized how much trust Prim had in her.

Bea looked down at Prim's small face, her innocent eyes and her soft expression. "A promise. I promise, I'll try." She said softly, squeezing her hand.

Prim was right, she was supposed to be strong. She was supposed to be her older sister, someone that Prim could look up to. So she suppressed her sadness, tried not to let Prim see how much she was hurting. She couldn't let her sister see how fragile she was, she had to stay strong for Prim.

Prim was the most important person in the world to her right now, and she wanted her little girl to grow up without having to face too much of the cruel reality of life.

Bea smiled, she was grateful for the love she felt towards her little sister. Prim's presence brought her a sense of warmth and comfort, and she embraced it wholeheartedly.

As Bea lifted Prim into her arms, the tiny girl immediately clung to her and held on tightly. It was clear that she felt safe in Bea's arms. "My baby sister, you're so strong, like me." She smiled.

"Yes, I'm strong!" Prim smiled as she was lifted in her sister's strong arms. Having Bea near and holding her made her feel safe, protected and loved.

Prim had a lot of love for her big sister, even if Bea wasn't sure if she could be considered a good enough big sister.

Her innocence and pureness was endearing, and Bea would do everything in her power to keep her that way.

Bea would have definitely gone through unimaginable measures to protect Prim. She would have fought endless armies and she would have shed endless blood. And when the fighting was done, all of it would have been worth it.

If it meant she would have to kill the entire world for Prim, Bea would do it without any hesitation.

If it meant that Prim would be safe and sound, she would take on the world by herself.

Prim was her whole world and even if she wasn't a good enough sister, she'd do everything she could to protect her little girl, because she meant everything to her.

"I'll give you everything I have.
I'll teach you everything I know.
I promise I'll do better." Bea avowed, kissing the skin above Prim's beautiful eyes.

"That's my big sister." Prim looked up at her sister, admiring her and feeling all the love in the world.

Bea was her role model, the person she admired most. Even though Prim sometimes felt that her big sister was a bit too hard on herself and didn't always see how good she was, she still loved her.

It reminded Bea as to why she was fighting, the reason she was doing all this for was right here in her arms.

Prim's beautiful little face, the pureness and innocence her baby sister possessed, was something that gave her the strength to keep going.

Bea would give everything for Prim, and she had already decided that she would protect her and keep her away from all the pain of the world.

𝗿𝗲𝗯𝗲𝗹 𝗰𝗹𝗮𝘄: middle sister to
both thomas and prim

act II. the scorch trials
act lll. the death cure

this is rebel claw—signing off

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this is rebel claw—signing off.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐑,     𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗺𝗮𝘇𝗲 𝗿𝘂𝗻𝗻𝗲𝗿Where stories live. Discover now