12. the other side

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After Nancy had followed Thomas to the dark, Thèrèse looks at Teresa, both girls just staring at eachother.

Teresa sigh, before standing up, towering over Thèrèse. "Can we talk," Teresa look down, nervously playing with her fingers.

Thèrèse rose up to her feet, brushing her clothes. "Okay, let's go somewhere more private." Teresa nodded and they both leave.

Far away, near the cliffs, stood Teresa and Thèrèse, staring up the moon. "So, what do you want to talk about?" Thèrèse asks, looking at Teresa.

"I just.. wanted to talk about something. Uh, it's about WICKED.." Teresa said, nervously. "What about them?" Thèrèse questions, raising her brows.

"Do you remember anything about WICKED? Don't you think we should go back? I mean, they are only wanted to save the world, searching for a cure.."

"Searching for non-existed cure, you mean?" Thèrèse said archly, making Teresa sigh, she doesn't get her point yet.

"What I'm saying is, I see something, back there, at WICKED. My memories, they've restored it." Teresa declared.

Thèrèse beam in shock, turning her whole body to the girl, "What are you saying? You mean, you remembered your past life?" She said, eyes slightly widening.

Teresa squinted her eyes at the girl, "Wait, you mean, you've got your memories erased as well?" She asked the girl, which she nodded.

Teresa shrugs, "But I do remembered something, about my past life. I had a mother, and a younger sister." She said, in realization.

"Really? You had a sister?" Thèrèse said, beaming again, Teresa nodded. "So you really don't remember anything about WICKED?" Teresa questions.

Thèrèse frowns and shrugs, "Well, I do remember some. My father always called me in, saying I need to worked on some program. I really thought, it was a program for someone, never realising the program actually was meant to worked... on me." She paused, staring into the sand, while Teresa keep quiet.

"It was after my memories were erased, my father keep giving me these experiments. Where I was laying on top of a bed, it's more like a standing bed, with straps around me.. then, they used something on me. Pulling me away from reality, and into somewhere I don't wanna be, I was pulled in like a magnet, it was so force, my father said I was in coma for three weeks. Then, I will always saw my mother.. and terrible things that WICKED and the virus have done to her.. my mother was not immune to the virus. My father had gone furious by it, he was scared. Scared of losing her, and maybe losing me. My mother was screaming in pain, yelling at the doctors to take the pain away from her."

Thèrèse paused again, trying to remember everything she has seen while in the coma.

"I've only got to watched her from outside, it's really pained me.. watching her like that. After that, for a few weeks, my father finally took me in, on the train station with the rest of the kids, saying that he would meet me once we've reached the destination." She was cut off by Teresa, "So that's when and where we met eachother." She gives girl a small smile.

Thèrèse nodded, "That's right, and I was scared. I was just a child, we all were. I mean, from my father's point of view, he was desperately trying to find a cure. And it was sooner passed down.. to me." She said, her index fingers pointing to her chest.

"I'm always determined to finding a cure, with the help of Dr. Paige, Janson and my dad.. I've always thought that if I can't save my mother.. atleast I can still save the world.." She paused, eyes softened at the thoughts.

After hearing Thèrèse, Teresa decided to speak, "So, are you thinking of joining them back? It's okay though, you can always have a second thoughts.." Teresa whispers.

Thèrèse cross her arms and turn away, "I would, but what about our friends? They'll might take this the wrong way, Teresa." She said, softly.

"Yeah.. well, atleast we're doing the right thing, right?" Teresa nervously asked. Thèrèse shake her head lightly. "Yeah, but are we doing it the right way, though?" She said firmly, her mind instantly wandered to Bea. She couldn't imagine what it would feel like to betray her own friend, just imagine Bea's disappointing voice and face.. Thèrèse immediately feels empty.

Silence filled the area as both girls stayed silence, observing the company of one another, silently talking to the moon.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐑,     𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗺𝗮𝘇𝗲 𝗿𝘂𝗻𝗻𝗲𝗿Where stories live. Discover now