60. just trust me, you'll be fine

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Thèrèse Scarlet Jewels couldn't believe that she was considered a traitor. She thought that she was doing the right thing. She lied to her friends, but it was for the sake of the greater good.

She thought that they have found a cure for the flare virus, but what if it wasn't true? Her world had been turned upside down.

Thèrèse felt like an outcast, she didn't belong anywhere. She was a traitor in everyone's eyes, everyone hated her and she hated herself too. Even if she thought she was doing the right thing, she knew how much she had wronged Nancy, Thomas, and her other friends.

She was a confused girl, who didn't know what to believe anymore, constantly questioning the decisions she'd made and looking for answers that would help explain everything. But she was so lost and confused that she felt like she would never find the right path or find where she truly belonged.

Bea was Thèrèse' first true friend since she had joined WCKD, a person who saw past her flaws and could see the good in her despite her actions. She was someone who gave her the strength to go on, someone who was always there for her and cared about her deeply.

Without Teresa, Thèrèse would have felt lost and alone, as if she was just a small speck in a vast world of darkness. But Teresa was a beacon of light that guided her through the darkness, providing comfort and support when she needed it most.

Without Bea and Teresa, she felt that she would surely have lost her sanity, if she had not already. They were the only ones who gave her the light to guide her through the darkness of WCKD, and she was glad to have them in her life.

Thèrèse immediately went to see Thomas, wanting to confirm whether he is truly okay and in good condition. She is neat, clean and pretty. She looks more happy compared to the old times she'd been in WCKD's care. She stepped into one of the healer's room, where Thomas is resting. "Thomas?" She called out carefully.

Thomas turned his head as she spoke his name, his face still had many scars but she could see that he was more healthy and he looked a lot better than the last time she saw him.

He seemed a bit tired and exhausted, like he had just woken up from a long nap but despite that he had a calm expression on his face.

"Thèrèse? Is it really you?" Thomas whispered.

She saw that Thomas was accompanied by Bea and their little sister Prim, both of whom had been by his side since he woke up, and she saw their warmth and support. "Yes, it is me." She said slowly, stopping by the entrance.

Thèrèse watched them for a moment, it was something that warmed her heart and made her emotional.

Thomas looked up at her, still holding Prim in one arm and grasping Bea's hand in the other.

"You came." He said softly, a small smile appeared on his face, one that had been lacking for a long, long time.

"You called." She said softly, approaching slowly with her hands by her sides shyly. Thèrèse looked over to Bea and Prim, who both are staring at her with sympathy. Both of them missed the girl they once called big sister.

She saw the sympathetic and familiar expressions on Bea and Prim's faces, she was their big sister, at least that's what she always wanted to be and they clearly saw her that way too.

Thomas was still holding Prim in his arms, though he now focused all his attention on Thèrèse. He stared at her carefully, he was probably still trying to process her presence.

A small tear dropped down Thèrèse' cheek, she had made so many mistakes, but she still cared for them so much. She was just glad that she had found her way back to them, it was a blessing and she didn't intend on letting it go now.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐑,     𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗺𝗮𝘇𝗲 𝗿𝘂𝗻𝗻𝗲𝗿Where stories live. Discover now