"I think J.Drew is kinda fine with that since he keeps throwing his bottle at me every day. Kierra's the one that be needing more help on holding hers or just anything in general I think even hair pulling she can't really do like J.Drew does who pulls on my hair every time I lift him up." Karen said telling on her son. "J.Drew don't be hurtin' my baby now because that's yo mama." Matti said to her grandson and J.Drew acted as if he ain't hear her after he had stopped sucking on his toes for a minute and went back to it.

Because J.Drew be puttin' Karen through it and he ain't even six months yet.

Then, Jacky just tried something with her niece just to see if what she was thinking was right.

So she did what she would normally would do with them and would do the baby wave just to see if Kierra would respond and most babies would at least attempt to grab your hand that you would be holding like a finger. But Ki didn't even do that. She just turned her head towards her auntie and saw like a little twitch in her left hand and she had figured she had tried to wave back. But really couldn't. So, Jacky just nodded her head. "Yeah take her to the doctor when you can." Jacky said already thinking about some of the things that could possibly be wrong with her niece after catching onto that and seeing how the rest of her body was kind of tension filled already as a baby which wasn't normal to have.

"She might got some muscle issues going on that's causing her pain." Jacky had told Karen and Karen's eyes just widened up.

"Because usually she would try to wave back sometimes but not every time." Jacky said noticing that as she started to put the pieces together.

Then she started thinking about how Ki still had limited mobility and wasn't as flexible as her brother was who was still sucking on his toes for fun and Ki would normally just kick her legs.

"Mmhm you might wanna ask the doctor about that." Jacky said pointing that out making sure that Karen knew but she also didn't want to say where it probably came from because she already knew that Karen was feeling bad about what her babies was going through and so, she didn't want to make her sister feel any worse than what she probably already did.

Now that it was five minutes later Ki had went to sleep in her grandma's arms Matti had put her in the bassinet that was at Dorinda's house for the babies and they had noticed that Karen had gotten awfully quiet after Jacky had probably figured out what it was.

"Karen what's wrong?" Dorinda asked her knowing that her baby sister was the one to always wear her emotions out on her sleeves but she knew that Karen had changed a little bit from that after she was taken away from them and now it was like Karen's emotions was returning back to normal but it was with some improvement because of them going to therapy.

"It's nothing it's just that I couldn't figure out what was wrong with her and it didn't take y'all long to figure it out." Karen said feeling bad about herself because it was taking her a few days to figure it out and she still didn't catch on until, Dorinda, Matti and Jacky had noticed it and spoke up about it.

"Well Karen don't beat yourself up about it you're still pretty much a new mom if you think about it." Dorinda told her seeing that Karen didn't really get to raise Nikki and Faith and so it was kinda like she was starting over with a clean slate even though Nikki and Faith was living with her they pretty much had their family to raise them while Faith had the streets to raise her. "So, you're still learning how to take care of them and you're doing a good job." Dorinda said trying to make her baby sister feel better about it. "I guess so." Karen said still not having faith in herself as a mother and Matti saw how her child was looking at her baby girl who was sleeping in the bassinet and she had just shook her head because Karen still very much would doubt herself no matter the progress that she had been making and Matti had wanted her baby to have more confidence in herself because she was being a good mother and doing more than they would've done. But not only that she knew that Karen could do much more if her confidence levels was on par like her sisters were.

But the were gonna continue working on that Matti wasn't about to keep letting her baby be doubting herself when she knew that Karen could amount to so much more and she would tell her that and try to help her but Karen just wouldn't believe it just yet.

"I'm just glad one of my babies are at least doing okay even though he be giving me a run for my money." Karen said wiggling J.Drew's little feet making him giggle.

While they were all over at Dorinda's house Matti had got the girls together because they were gonna practice and try to figure out a time to set a permanent schedule for them to do so.

Usually anytime when they would do that Karen was always free but that was before she had got herself a job. So, now Karen was like kind of stuck because she ain't know what to tell her sisters. But she had just hoped that her sisters and mama had other things to do so she wouldn't say that she wasn't free.

Because it was easy keeping her GED to herself but her job would be a little different thing now especially since Matti was talking back and fourth with Dr.Womack trying to sneak some music therapy on up in there with Karen to help her which have been helping her and Karen didn't even realize it.

So, now here they were trying to figure out everybody's schedules. "Karen you could do six right?!" Dorinda asked her baby sister and Karen had pursed her lips trying not to look like she was a deer-in-head lights but she couldn't help it. "Nahh I got the babies on a different schedule now." Karen said coming up with a quick lie to try to cover herself. "Mmh and sooo would 8pm be okay?" Dorinda asked her seeing that everyone was free around 6:30pm but they had always gave Karen some time with knowing how late she be even if she didn't have a job.

So they didn't really question her about that they just gave her some looks that didn't go unnoticed by her as she nervously scratched her neck.

"I can do 8pm." Karen said not wanting to tell her family her business yet because it still haven't been a month of her working yet. But Karen also knew that she would be cuttin' it with the time since her mama was still so strict with being at rehearsal on time and especially for her trainings since she was starting back up again and so, Karen was already thinking about a plan on how she was gonna get to work, pick the babies up, and and change her clothes before any of her family members seen her and she was thinking that when she would walk to work she would have to just stuff some extra pairs of clothes in her purse since she was gonna have to start wearing scrubs soon.

And she would just have to find a way to hide her scrubs within her purse so they wouldn't find out just in case if any of her sisters were to go in her purse for something.

So, now here Karen was trying to come up with a whole entire plan.


What did y'all think about this chapter?

What did y'all think about Karen feeling bad that she couldn't find out what was wrong with Ki?

What did y'all think about Jacky possibly finding out?

Thoughts or Comments?

Thanks for reading!



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