Chapter 30 Praxton

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[ Hey Everyone! This is going to be my first chapter from Felix's POV . This chapter is going to be a little boring and serious at the same time. This chapter is not going to be as funny like rest of the chapters.  Stay tuned. ]

Felix Pov

Ugh...I can't believe my luck I have to tolerate Marinette more than  I would like. Its not like I have any personal problem with her , but her personality and her smart mouth makes me want to bang my head on the wall.  

 No matter , how many times Allegra had tried to befriend her she always start to act like a stuck up b*tch when I know she is far from a b*tch. I know for a fact that is an act. Oh,  That rhymes. Ugh....What I am even thinking , looks like this girl really messed up with my head.

But one think that  really confuses me is  how she became best friends with Allan, Andrew and Trent, Allegra 's triplet brothers in the first place . I have known them throughout my whole life , they barely make friends. They are quite reserved if you ask me.

 They are more like triplet trouble makers, always causing trouble whether they are in school or not . They have already been to jail many times, but always got released and the person who complained about them magically take their complaints back every time .

How is that possible ? I don't even want to know.

As for Marinette, she is really close friends with them. Well how do I know?  I myself have encountered her with them many times whenever I visit Allegra 's house but every time she pretended as if we didn't exist including Allegra which is one of the reason Allegra is too desperate to befriend her.

Due to Allegra being the only girl among five siblings; yeah! five she has a younger brother too .His name is Daniel He is same age as my brother Patrick, they both are good friends despite his cold aura. Yeah! The boy is only ten yet he emits cold aura. He barely talks to any person who isn't family but shares a special bond with Marinette and refers to her as Sister Mari as a sign of respect , but never once he referred  Allegra as Sister Allegra.

I can get  why she act a little desperate sometimes. She really didn't have much in common with her brothers to bond with ,which kind of make her insecure which I know is not something she should worry about as I have seen how much her brother adores her and spoiled her too no extent . But they do same thing for Marinette too. Especially Marinette actually get the love and respect of one brother that Allegra never got, her younger brother Daniel.

This is the reason that she wants to befriend her to look cool in her brothers eyes which I think is kind of lame, but it's okay from her point of view. So I can't really complain.


Anyways me and boys are sitting in living room of Allegra's house. We're waiting for her to get ready for the party.

Seriously why do girls take so long to get ready?

I really don't understand one think, Why in the world I am being dragged to Claude's cousin, Summer's party. I really didn't even know that girl even existed before.

While I was daydreaming about all this there comes the entry of the main villain

.... hmmm

........ not the JOKER.

Its Marinette.

Where did she even came from I didn't even heard her entering the place. And seeing the confused faces of Marin and Claude , I don't think they noticed her either.

Here I was saying I don't want to tolerate her. And here she is standing in front of me . She was also  dressed up ,as if she is going to a party. She was wearing a short bodycon black dress which reached her mid-thigh . 

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