Chapter 25- Fandom

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My eyes nearly fell from their sockets when I heard the names. "Is Emma Watson there too?"

"I think so!!"

"Girl, outta my way. I'm gonna take a sneak peek." I moved to pass her and ran as quick as my heels could get me without tripping to the entrance.

Gabrielle was there as he was ready to take his turn to walk. He saw me coming and frowned. "Get back. It's not your turn yet." He said. Gabrielle wears the cool look with a plain white V-neck shirt, a mint green leather material jacket, blue pants, and neon green and blue shoes.

"I wanna see Percy, Harry, and Hermione!!" I was probably talking nonsense to him when I called Logan, Daniel, and Emma for their famous role names.

"I don't know who they are but back out for now. You'll get to see them later." He said and turned his back to me to start his walk.

"I don't know who they are but back out for now. You'll get to see them later." I mockingly mimicked him. I hope you trip and fall , jerk face!!

I was busy glaring at his back when I noticed the strand poking out from his white wig.

Hang on. Blonde? Isn't that his normal hair color?

Oh crap .

" Gabrielle, hold up!" I called him for a stop but he ignored me as he continued to walk. I was suddenly feeling a little ticked off and ran after him. " I said wait up you, dork- eep!! "


I think it would be embarrassing for me to tell you that I tripped on my heels and fell right into Gabrielle now, wouldn't it? And I think it would be more embarrassing for me if he hadn't caught me and straightened me up, right?

But you know what would me more embarrassing ?

Coming onto the stage while Gabrielle is suppose to have his turn to walk and immediately have to fake our faces and smile for the flashing cameras and the confused watchers.

Oh, wait. That's not embarrassing. It's awkward too.

"What the heck are you doing?" He whispered to me while stilling for the camera .

" Your hair was poking out of your wig. I tried to call you but you did not turned around." I replied. Giving the audience a very sweet and plaster smile. Yeah. Get this pretty face on camera!

Gabrielle seemed to flinch at wig part." Have you tucked it in yet?" He asked.


"Good .Now get off this stage now."

"I can't."


"My hand is tangled to your wig and if I move it now. It would come off."

"Great. Just great."

Besides me, Gabrielle looked very nervous right now, but I wasn't . Instead, I turned towards the crowd until I finally found Logan Lerman , Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson seated in one row. I wanna fangirl right now. Seeing them together is like seeing a crossover between Percy Jackson and Harry Potter for the first time.

Is it bad that I feel so happy even though we are stuck in this situation .

"Come." Gabrielle placed a hand on my waist and pulled me closer .

" What the-"

" Walk with me." He ordered. " It's the only thing we can do to save this."

I thought about it and realise he was right. Me coming out of here is a big mistake and could completely ruin our presentation, but if Gabrielle and I would walk together then this might be seen as natural and intended.

I gave Gabrielle a curt not as we walked through the runway . When we reach the front , Gabrielle turned us towards each other and placed his forehead to mine. The guests and viewers hooted .

"Dude, what the -"

" Hurry up and get your hands off my wig." He commanded.

I followed order and used my other hands to free the one that is stuck , but even though we are in this situation my eyes still travelled far to where three stars are sitting.

" Who are you looking at?" He asked.

" My fandom"I replied and lowered my hands down with I finally got them free." Done." I said and motioned for him to go back . Together, we went back again with Gabrielle's hands still on my waist .

As soon as we were backstage again, he let's go . I could see Nico , Kevin and Sophie waiting for us. Nico seemed pretty amused by it all he started to wriggle his eyebrows."What was that all about?"

Gabrielle sighed and took off his jacket " Nothing. Just a wig accident that needed to be fixed."

Nico wasn't letting it go as he went towards Gabrielle and and gave him a boogie ." You little sneaky bastard " He said and placed his hands on Gabrielle's cheeks and kissed him on the cheeks before running off for his life.

Gabrielle looked pretty disgusted and angry . " Ugh! Nico! Then he went and chased after him , but not before turning to me first. He stood there awkwardly and looking embarassed.
" Thanks" Then he was gone.

" We better stop them" Sophie said to Kevin.

Kevin nodded and looked at me . " Catch you later, Felisha" He said and he and Allegra went after them.

I was alone, but I was happy. I got to see my fandoms on real life. Who wouldn't be happy about that?

" Felisha" I looked up to see my aunt and uncle heading towards me . I grinned and ran towards them to give them a hug . " Baby, you look too beautiful" said my aunt once she let go.

"Thanks, aunty "

"And that last show I did not expect " She said and I noticed for the first time that while my aunt seemed pretty happy , my uncle was somehow forcing himself to be happy. I turned to my aunt to ask about it but it seems that she has something in mind. " The crowd and other companies are asking why we have two models for the last show. They are really curious about it- so I'm sorry sweetie - Kaila had no choice but to say it's our couple edition ."

"A what?"

My uncle laughed then. " I love it. I love it, sweetheart." The tone in my uncle's voice sounded extremely dangerous ." It's perfect. I loved how you two walked together. Now, if I could only get to see where that man is and have a little talk............. where is he anyway? " Still smiling, my father looked from side to side in which I assume he is looking for Gabrielle .

As of the moment, I just hope he won't find him . Not that it would be embarassing , but it would be pretty scary.

My aunt placed a hand on my uncle's shoulder . " Dear, we talked about this so NO. You can't go after our model."

" But-"

" James."

My uncle's shoulder then slumped in defeat  "Oh. Alright "

Suddenly there was a ring and my aunt picked up her  phone and answered it "Hello?  Yeah, I will be there in a second. Thanks for handling it, Kaila. I owe you one.    Bye. "She ended the call and looked from side to side seemingly confused
before she looked at me " Marinette, where is your uncle?"

Now that she mentions it , where is my uncle? I turned 360 degree to look for my uncle but he was gone. " I don't know. He was just here a second ago." I shrugged.

My aunt suddenly had a look of horror on her face when she realised that uncle probably went somewhere else  on his own and probably somewhere where my aunt told him not to go "Oh no he didn't go to....... JANES GREGORY DUPAIN!!!" My aunt was like a beast as she ran in a random direction to find my uncle . Her heels clicking like horseshoes as she ran and I only stood there and watch.

The fashion show is finally over and there is only one thing in my mind right now .

Are Percy, Harry and Hermione still out there? If they are, I could so use a photo and an autograph.

Hiding behind a facade Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant