Chapter 29 Bogus Number

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I don't know who this guy is, but somehow he seems to know me and calls me Waldo All I know about him is that he's the son of Rowena, my aunt's friend

"Marinette, you know him? My aunt asks as she stood beside me

"Heck do I know?" I muttered

"Marinette?" Romeo dude asles and looked at me

"Isn't your name Waldo?"

My aunt looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "Now why would he think that?"

I shrugged. "I don't know. Ask him." I pointed a finger at Romeo making my aunt frown as she slapped my hand down

"Don't point at other people!" She hissed

"You told me the other day, remember?" Romeo said "Outside Cafe 48"

Rowena suddenly gasped and looks at her son. "Is she the girl you were talking about?

"Mom" Romeo blushed and gave her mother a silencing glare and gave me a wary look "Marinette?" Aunty gave me that you-know-something -and-I -want-to-know-what-it-is kind of look

"Um "I  looked at Romeo. He does seem kind of familiar. And Cafe 48? Yeah. I think I do remember something "You do look like that burglar from the other day" I earned a slap at the back of my head for that.

"Be serious" My aunty growled

I stared at this Romeo dude for a good 10 seconds as

I tried to recall where I've seen this face before Romeo must have felt awkward because he blushed and started to look anywhere but at me

"Well!" Rowena clasped her hands together. "Since you both know each other"

"No, I don't." I inserted

"Marinette!" Aunty scolded me

"Why don't the two of you sit on a separate table? I bet you kids have a lot of catching up to do" Rowena turned to Romeo and winked. "Take care you two." She said and ushered aunty to the table that they sat on a while ago

Once they were out of earshot, I turned my attention back to Romeo and pointed a finger at him "I don't know you," I said bluntly.

"Hasn't anyone ever told you that it's rude to point at people?" He asked.

"You look familiar though. Are you that same dude who stole my phone a few months back?"


"Never mind," I said.

"Hey, are you a magician?" He suddenly asked.

"Do I look like a magician to you?" I responded.

Romeo on chuckles "No. But when I look at you everyone else disappears."

"Now why would " I stopped and suddenly  remembered something. His looks, his voice, his stance "YOU'RE THAT WEIRDO OUTSIDE CAFE 48 WHO KEPT ON ASKING ME STRANGE QUESTIONS!

Romeo only laughs despite me calling him a weirdo He even looks away from me while blushing "So um...there's a table over there." He pointed at the tables by the glass walls of the shop. "Want to um sit with me? That is if you want to."

No, I don't want to but with my aunt's murderous gaze aimed at my back, I have to!!

"Sure," I said and followed this Romeo fellow to a table. He pulled a chair for me to sit before going to the other side and sat in front of me.

And now the awkward conversation begins

"So, um, you come here a lot?" He started to ask


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