Chapter 22- Stuck in traffic

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Joining the fashion show was never ever on my bucket list or life goals. Believe me. I don't want to join any fashion show again.

But who was I to refuse? With my mother's dazzled eyes and the nonstop persuasiveness of her workers, I was left with no choice but to enter.

Not as Hailey though (thank goodness) but as the witch named Felisha Hughes. You know, the cursed pink wig?

Yeah. That's her.

And since the purpose of me becoming Felisha is to hide my identity, the only people who knows about my secret is my parents, Kaila, some trusted employees, and of course the student councils.

Days and weeks have passed. The rehearsals, diet, and fitting almost consumed all of my scheduled free time especially since I have to share it with my council duty at school. It even makes me want to cry as I don't have time to read books or watch dramas at night.

Like how can I fan girl on my fandom when I can't even fantasize about my fandom that I fandom?! Do you get me?!

Dramas aside ,  today is the big day of the fashion show and everyone is expected to arrive at the studio for our final practice.

I was just ordering a frappuccino  on the counter at a random cafe when my phone buzzed. It was a call from kayla. Immediately, a sour look crossed my face . She has been calling me non-stop and giving me order for the past week and it's really pissing me off .

Glaring at my phone, I dismissed the call . That should keep her busy.

"Caramel frape for ninja turtle hearts !!" The counter girl called and I immediately headed to her to get my order.

"Thanks" I said and took a sip on my caramel frap when I notice her giving me a weird look. I frowned . " But I love that show! A girl needs to fangirl once in a while !" I turned my back and head for the exit , but turned around one last time . " And yes I still watch cartoon at my age !!" I said defensively as I made my exit.

My phone rang again and I looked at it irritatingly . It's still Kaila calling . This time, I pressed the answer button knowing that this will never end unless I answer her .

" What?!" I growled and take a sip from my cup .

" You imbecile ! What do you mean what?! Do you know what time is it?!" She screamed from the other line making move my phone away from my precious ear for a bit as I look at my wristwatch.

" It's 12"

I heard Kaila letting out a deep sigh as she calmly said " Are you checking your wristwatch or your phone ?"

"Watch "

"Check your phone "

I did what she asked me to do and pulled my phone from my ear to check the time.

2:03 PM

My eyes immediately widened in horror  as I stared at the phone " Marinette! Marinette ! Are you still there?!" Her voice was getting angrier by the second because of my lack of response.

I gulped and place the phone on my ear again " Um .....hehe......" I laughed nervously ." I'm..... actually on my way now." I pinned my phone between my ear and shoulder as I waved my hand to get a cab , cursing here and there when none seemed to stop.

Stupid cabs. Why is it that when I need you don't come and when I don't , you literally park yourself in front of me?!

I am going to die. I should really stop using watches that have low batteries.

"You can't get a cab, can you?! "Kaila said through the phone.

I snorted " What!? Psh,No!! I'm actually stuck in traffic . Yeah . I can already see the studio." I lied again and frantically look far ahead to look for the next cab .

Beside me,  I saw a guy giving off a whistle and  immediately a cab park in front of him . I took that chance as I jumped in front of the guy and quickly got in the cab .

" Hey!!"

" I'm sorry! Just do that whistle thing again to get another one." I said and slapped $50 bill on his hands as an apology .

The guy frowned at me and started to stare curiously " What_"

Before this guy could finish , my attention was brought back to  my phone " Marinette ! Where are you ? I'm already waiting outside for you!."

" Still stuck in traffic!! Oh hey, I already see you !!" I lied again and covered the mic of my phone as I told the driver the address to the studio and told him to step on it . The cab lurches forward at an incredible speed catching me off guard that I spill my drink on myself ." Aw!! Frick!!"


" I am sorry that I am late , Kaila . You can't believe the traffic." I told her as we walked together in the studio to where the others are said to be rehearsing .

" There was no traffic outside." She deadpanned . " And I didn't see you outside either ."

" Well that's because I saw this pregnant women who was about to give birth so-"

She raised a hand to my face and cut me off ." You are a terrible liar, you know that ?"

" Who says I am lying ?" I said still playing my card , but Kaila would not buy any of my words .

She frowned " Marinette" She said warningly. I did not say anything after that.

Together, Kaila and I went to the dressing room to change my caramel stained shirt and put on my wig before heading out to practice our walk. The student council was already there when we entered , I saw them practicing there walk and couldn't help but feel proud of myself at how much they improved . Those are the kids that I worked off my butt to raise . Before, I couldn't even imagine them doing a fashion show. Now , they were the picture perfect figure that I honestly felt excited about seeing them on stage.

The practice went on for two hours before my aunt told us to stop in order to get ready for the real show . The models were then ushered to the vans to head towards the location  where the show is gonna be held.

Once we arrived, we were separated into groups : Ones who will model the regular pieces and one's who will model the limited edition ones .( It's where I and student council are ). And of course the males and females are placed in seperated rooms .

" Please have a seat here ,Miss Felisha" 
One of the makeup artist said .

I took my seat in front of the dresser while the stylists talked about what kind of hairdo will they give me and how would they do my makeup.

While they were busy talking, my eyes wandered to the makeups lined on the dresser which is 75% of it no clue what. A peachy pink lipstick caught my eye ; swatching it on the back of my hand to test out the colour.

Oh, pretty.

I found the colour to my liking so I turned to the mirror and opened my mouth to apply said lipstick when the door suddenly opened with a bang and Sophie entered the room .

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