Chapter 17 -Oath taking

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The next day after I made deal with the student council , there was a ceremony the next morning. Of course, it was held by the student councils and none of us knew what it was. But all I heard was that it was something important that all the students of Rosewood High must witness.

I let out an irritated sigh. It's been 15 minutes since we were called down to wait and I'm getting bored. This better be worth it or else!!!

Looking around me, it seems as if I was the only one feeling irritated. The other students seemed pretty excited about this ceremony that they are planning. I was on the verge of throwing small papers at the students and blame them on the person next to me just to cause scene but Marinette won't allow it.


"Students, may we please have your attention."

Marin's voice resonated with the speakers. Immediately, all heads turned towards the stage in front of us where Marin and the rest of his gang stood. Allegra caught my eye and she beamed brightly and waved at me. I, of course, ignored her.

When it seemed like everyone was now in full attention, Marin continued. "I know this is all so sudden but this ceremony is quite special." Marin looked behind him and nodded at Felix , who nodded in returned and started to move forward. "Today, we are welcoming a new officer of the student council. Miss Marinette Dupain Cheng , please step forward."


WHAT!? What is this? I never heard about this!

I kept my face as calm and cold as ever as all of the students seemed to have their full attention on me. I could see confusion, surprise, and amazement written all over their faces and it made me want to crawl into a cave and hide. Beads of sweat started to drip from my face and  took all of my cool girl self not to turn around and run.

"Miss Dupain Cheng, please come to the stage," Marin called again.

With all pairs of eyes staring at me, I felt like I was suffocating. I looked up at the student council. They can't be serious, right? As soon as they noticed me looking, I could have sworn that they have a look of amusement on their faces and it only brought rage to me.

I hate them. Have I ever said that before?

Yes, I think I have and I am saying it again.

I made my way to the stage - it's not like I have any other choice anyway. I paused just a few feet from Marin and I crossed my arms over my chest. My facial expression might be unreadable, but deep inside my head, I am shooting lasers at them.

Marin took a step back as Felix took his place to stand in front of me. I glared at him and he did too. "To start this ceremony, we will now have miss Dupain Cheng recite the oath."

"Miss Dupain Cheng, please raise your right hand and repeat after me." Said Felix as he gave me a look.

In a hushed voice, I whispered to him. "Oath? What oath!? I know nothing of this!!!"

"Just shut up and repeat after me, will you?" He hissed, then he cleared his throat as he continued. "I - state your name."

Instead of repeating his words, all I did was stare blankly at him as my cool girl took charge. Felix doesn't seem happy as he glared at my empty response. "What are you doing?" He whispered.

"I won't take the stupid oath." The students started to laugh at my response and only then did I realize that I said the words out loud.

In the background, I heard a few cheers and whistles of delight.

"Woooo!!! Marinette go!"

"Hailey for president!!" Marin seemed to flinch at that last comment.

Meanwhile, Felix doesn't seem please with me though as he gave me one of his killer smiles. "But miss Dupain Cheng, saying this oath is needed to seal the deal. If you won't then you will not become a member." I don't need to be a mind reader to know that he was hinting at something here.

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