Chapter 12: Sports Festival Part 2, Cavalry

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"So you can talk?" Shinso asks with a smirk from on top of our horse as the countdown starts and I chuckle sheepishly, feeling my lungs and throat settle back down to normal. "Too late to brainwash you now, let's put your hero training to the test."

"Start!" Midnight calls out, and I'm forced to ignore his odd comment and focus in on the task at hand.

"Leave the top points teams, we're going to pick off the rest from the back of the arena." Shinso orders.

"Oh, smart, catch everyone in their blind side." I grin up at him. "It's poetic. I know a thing or two about blind sides, leave the targeting and defense for me. Plus, my wind can steal the headbands. Use your quirk to freeze either the rider or the front horsemen, I can take the headbands from there. Mashi is a strong defense, his tail can guard us well. Aoyama, if your tummy is feeling better, save your laser for when we really need it."

"Follow my lead, let's go." Shinso orders out, and then taps my shoulder one the left.

We follow his lead and sneak our ways to the back of teams slowly. We avoid the first rush when everyone is going after Midoriya. We stick to the back until the teams all venture out and give up on getting the ten million. One by one, we rack up small amounts of points. It's not enough to advance though, but we've kept off the radar as other teams have racked up large sums of points.

"The steel guy's team, they have the most points that aren't fighting over the ten million. We're taking them all, get ready." Shinso observes and we advance. We approach that team and I send out a wave of wind to block their route. They all freeze and ask what's going on, and Shinso uses his quirk to make the green haired girl that was the rider take off her headbands. I used the wind to grab them out of her hands and wrap them around Shinso's neck just in time for the bell to ring.

"Impressive working with you, Shinso! You have a great mind for strategy and a strong quirk." I compliment the boy excitedly, and he looks confused at my praise as he gets down from the horse. "Oh, are you not used to positive feedback? I get that, I rarely ever got any before coming to UA. What activates your quirk? Do you have limits on how long you can control people? Can you control multiple people? Do you ever get an insecurity because of your quirk? Do people treat you different?" I ask rapidly as I follow the boy out of the arena, too curious to leave him alone. I would have asked all these questions earlier, but my throat would have hated me more.

"Wow, you really talk a lot." Shinso points out and I nod in agreement but don't stop staring at him expectantly. "My quirk... I was always told it was a villain's quirk. Even here, the entrance exam gave me no room to prove my quirk, so I'm still behind in my goal of being a hero. And yeah... people usually treat me differently."

"People are lame, trust me I know." I chuckle out at him as I throw my hands behind my head casually as we enter the cafeteria. "And sure, in the hands of a villain your quirk would be terrifying, but in the hands of a hero? You could be the key difference in like, a hostage situation, a robbery, bombers. Even in the aftermath of stressful situations like disasters, you could calm people down who were panicking. My dad's agency works in natural disasters often, and sometimes the injuries are caused by the panic attacks people get instead of the actual disaster, you could help with those people. Or even with kidnappings..." I trail off quieter. "You could convince kidnappers to let their victims go."

"You really put a lot of thought into that..." Shinso says in quiet awe.

"Oh, no, I totally just thought of that now. I'm a super curious person, and I spend a lot of time thinking of ways to help." I sheepishly shrug as we get food and sit at a table together. "As for your goal of being a hero, I think you can do it! I know that... well, there's potentially going to be an opening in the hero course soon if my plan for today fails. But even if there isn't, I had to look up a bunch of alternative ways of becoming a hero if UA's hero course didn't work out for me. We're both defying people to reach our goal, so I'm totally going to root for you! Unless we fight in the tournament, I will absolutely destroy you!"

Jet Stream (Kirishima x OC)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें