chapter1 : A Painful Goodbye.

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(Akria's POV)

I've lived here for so long that i now knew every crook and cranny of the farm, it's broad landscape and the small lake around the corner. The beautiful mountains that surrounded the ranch and the tall green trees that spread around the area randomily, one in particular that i liked was near the lake, Mom had once told me that when they first came here that particular tree that i loved sitting under had been so small, and it made me smile because the tree signified my growth and since i had never had siblings nor friends i talked to the tree to let out my frustration and happiness- i know it's weird...

The farm consisted of 3 buildings

In the center of the landscape layed our house which was a 2 story with a hard wood and red brick foundation, the wood had been delicately painted in colors of white and gray by the one only - with a little help from my Dad - but mostly me.

Infront of the farm house had been decorated beautifully with different types of flowers ranging from orchids, carnation, roses, violets and more i didn't know off.

To the right was were the brown, black and white barn was and in it was the different types of farm animals though the pigs and the cows and had their own area outside.

Then finally to the left was were the plant house was, it is small and surrounded by glass- you could sort of call it a cottage but that's where my Dad spent most of his time in.

Behind the plant house was rows of different vegetables and fruits that was planted and taken care of by my Dad.

Our farm wasn't too far from town and i would ride to town with my purple bike to buy bread now and then which i didn't mind cause it is always refreshing in the cool morning breeze.

Daily chores were programmed in my head like computer and i had gotten used to learning on my own since my parents thought it was best i learn from home.

I never really knew how my parents had come to live in such a small town instead of some big city and when i asked them they always changed the subject or told me to mind my business but one day in particular changed my whole life.......


The orange sun was in the brink of setting and it's light rays made the lake sparkle in the most beautiful way ever and i sat under the same tree I've come to know for the past years admiring the view while also trying to focus on the english assignment i had to complete by tomorrow.

After about 10 minutes i closed book and placed my book and pens in the bag then standing up, i folded the picnic blanket placing it as well into the bag

I let out a much needed heavy sigh, Today was such an exhausting day because it was end of the month and thats when the farm is most busy with the selling of stock and grooming of animals and all the many other things,
it really takes a toll on someone.

The breeze was getting cooler indicating night nearing, i hugged myself from the chill humming to the tune of my favorite song finally seeing the roof my house through the many trees.

I walk passed the plant house admiring the fire flies the surrounded the place.
Fire flies were my favorite insects they were like glowing butterflies that made the night less gloomy, i smiled lightly finally reaching the front door but my smile falters as i hear faint talking behind the door

"Its best i take her with me"

"It's all too sudden"

"I know babe but i can't miss such an opportunity, and she needs to see the outside world we can't keep shielding her for when its time for her to go her own way she won't be too naive, she needs to be with people her age"

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