The Ceremony(Leo)

Start from the beginning

"I can't wait to watch the footage later and see how awesome you all were!" She said as she squeezed hard. "A-April...AAH-" I gasped. "I-I need air!" I strained as she finally let go. 

"Thank you." I sighed in relief before I laughed. "Sooooo, how did asking Casey out go?" I asked. She smiled as she gave him a small wave as he waved back. "Awesome! I'm so happy for you." I smiled. "Sooo, I also have a surprise for you. Let's say I went through your phone and texted someone." She said.

"Who...Who did you text?" I asked. "Oh you will just have to see when we get home. We will meet you there." April smiled before she ran off. "Wait!!" I called out as she ignored me and ran off faster than I've ever seen her run off before.

I tried to think of who she could have contacted but my mind was blank. "Who could she have texted?" I questioned as I felt around my pockets to realize she actually did take my phone. "And when did she take it?" I sighed.

"Come on.. They are probably waiting for us." Leo laughed as he placed his hand on my back and pushed me closer towards Lady Liberty. 

"But what about the height!" I questioned but it was too late, I was scooped up and slowly brought up the stairs.

"L-Leo! Please!" I groaned as I watched us climb every stair as the climb seemed to take forever.

"Noooo, I don't want to get stuck up here." I sighed as gave up struggling. "Oh come on, it's not nearly as bad as the buildings or jumping out of a plane." Leo laughed. "True.." I groaned as I was suddenly placed down within the fifth floor.

"WAAAA!" Mikey's scream echoed. "Yup he tripped." I laughed.

"Come on you clumsy." Raph laughed as he stopped his brother from falling. "Hey! I'm not clumsy!" Mikey shouted.

"Yeah yeah sure." Raph smiled. I shook my head as I continued to climb the stairs with Leo. "So what was your favorite part of the mission?" I asked him. "Well... I'd have to say it was the ending, the big fight with an alien robot was pretty cool. Can't say we've ever fought anything like it before." He laughed. 

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure you guys would say something if you ever had before." I laughed. "What about you?" He asked. "M-Me?..." I asked. "No I was talking to Lady Liberty. Hello Miss, I was wondering what your favorite part of us saving the city was even if you never moved from your spot." Leo said in a serious inquisitive tone.

I laughed as I paused as Leo joined in at laughing at himself. "Mine was probably when you all worked stuff out, and you all started working as a team again, and as brothers." I smiled. 

"Yeah, it was probably the best moment of the entire mission." Leo sighed. "Look Y/n, I never got to officially apologize to you..." Leo said. 

"Leo... It's okay." I sighed. "I understand the pressure of trying to be the best leader has been getting to you." I smiled as I grabbed his hand. "I know you just want everyone to get along and want the missions to be successful. But failure is a part of leadership, it's bound to happen even when you are prepared for it." I said.

"Either way, you got to bring your brothers and yourself back together. You cheered each other on." I smiled. "That's all I could ever really ask for." I said as I squeezed his hand reassuring him.

"But I hurt your feelings. And I managed to push you away, not only that I excluded you instead of including you... It wasn't the right thing to do." Leo admitted.

"I can understand, but I also can't. I know you didn't want me to have false hope, but even so. I need to thank you. It made me realize, that I wouldn't be who I am today if it wasn't for everything. For these weird ice powers, to have a family. An exciting life full of adventures and action. It's like I'm living in a movie." I laughed. 

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