Turtles x Female Mutant Turtle Child

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Part 2!

April's Point Of View

I was lying down in the dark living room, Athena was already asleep on top of me. She passed out while watching cartoons as I was lying down with her, she was pretty shaken up from hiding from the people by the sewer lids.

I quietly sighed, so this little girl was taken away from her family and experimented on and became a turtle...

These people are sick, I was wondering how long this whole thing could last... Weeks...Months..Years!?

Athena needed her parents, and she needs to be returned back to normal.

I don't know how Donnie is going to get Athena back to normal, but they might need to go back to the old Sacks tower again to check things out and go thru their labs.

I decided I should probably write these ideas down and share them to Donnie later on in the morning.

This needs as much help as possible to get this all figured out before it all gets out of hand.

I finished writing down the notes as I then turned off my phone and stared into the darkness once more.

I then closed my eyes and waited for sleep to arrive, it was silent other than the normal drip from the sewer lines.

I don't think I can sleep with my nose, I'm use to the sewers and everything but I haven't spent the night here in so long I don't think my nose could take it...

I sighed once more and turned slightly making sure that Athena was still sleep, and tried to block the thought out of my mind.

I quickly checked my phone one more time to check the time, three am!!?

Man I'm going to be tired.

I tried to not think of anything else as I kept my eyes closed and eventually drifting off to sleep.

Mikey's Point Of View

I was quietly staring at the ever boring screens showing no activity. I'm not going to let Athena suffer like this, she is only a child and these sicko's took her and turned her into a turtle. It's not fair to her, she is most likely going to be traumatized for most of her life.

I was tired as I kept my eyes open as much as possible, my eyes slowly closing.

I caught myself before I kept my eyes closed for too long. Alright, I need to wake up... Leo or Raph?..

They both don't like being woken up, Leo turns into a Raph if he doesn't get the proper reason to wake up.

I sighed before I thought longer and watched the screens, I guess I can go with Leo. 

I walked over to Leo's room, gently moving the blanket and glancing into his room.

"H-hey Leo, it's time for your shift." I said with a tired tone.

He lifted his head as he glared at me before rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

He sighed before rolling to his other side and sitting up on his bed.

I let go of the blanket letting it fall back into place and sealing away his room before waddling over to my room, glancing at the clock on my dresser, six am.

I laid down and closed my eyes as sleep washed over me.

Leo's Point Of View

My shift seemed to pass by as we were getting ready to head over to the old Sacks tower, Donnie was bringing a backpack full of things to take samples from the labs there and it was taking a bit longer to wait for him.

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