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The wolves are one of the few creatures that survived the drought that happened 100 years ago. They moved down mountains and deserts till reached the land where water still existed. The pack leader decided on their place after thoroughly checking around the area. They were all able to transform into their human forms without the fear of other animals haunting them.

The pack grew in numbers when some more groups of wolves walked down from the north. They were more attractive, kind, and elegant making other wolves accept them sooner. The pack was blessed with rain soon from the magic of the north wolves. They are pure-blood wolves who belong to the highest clans and are born with special powers. The pack was ecstatic to know they were sharing life with such a high clan of rare wolves.

The pure-blood wolves lost their family members to the drought and haunting by humans though they knew magic, their power always strengthened when they were in the group, and a few of their members betrayed them by selling their magic for more power to other wolves who finally ended up haunting them. But now they found a new family though they don't have special powers they are kind and lovable to their pack members. They always worked in the unit. The innate nature of the wolves.

The pack members were startled knowing the pure-blood wolves wanted to go back to their original place. The pack leader tried to convince them to stay together however they promised the return whenever the lack needed them. Because the rarity of their existence was always a boon and a curse to them. There were a lot of attacks on the pack just to catch the pure-blood wolves. So the pure blood wolves pack leader decides they didn't want their friend's packs to get hurt because of them.

But some of the pure-blood wolves who fell in love with the other pack wolves stayed back with the permissions. After all, love is God's gift if you have ever got to experience that then no creatures in the world have the right to go against it.

As the years passed many pure-blood wolves who stayed back died because of the separation they experienced after their pack left to north. The packs had a good relationship and they continued to meet each other whenever possible without the cruel world knowing about pure-blood wolves' whereabouts.

The pack grew immensely conquering their surroundings and building their kingdom. Kim Nam Hoon the prime king of Kim's dynasty took the oath of protecting his pack no matter what it took and it also involved pure blood wolf protection. Many years down the history the wolves lived happily. The power was placed into the young alpha Prince's hand when their 10th king passed away. The King was very young and unfamiliar with politics but he was blessed with ministers and soldiers who were ready to sacrifice themselves for the throne.

Kim Nam Gil a pure blood-young alpha, one of them from the north pack whose ancestors lived in this kingdom got a royal guard position in the court and military under his arm. He was very efficient in his work. He fell in love with another pure-blood wolf Kim Ji-woo pure blood omega, whose beauty got her many enemies. The marriage brought a lot of attention considering both are pure-blood wolves. Their parents shifted to the north in their old age with the wish to live their last life where they belonged.

The King got married and blessed with kids Prince Namjoon and soon Prince Kim Taehyung. The royal guard was also blessed with the child Kim Seokjin. All three grew up together along with Seokjin's friends Jimin and Hoseok. King married again blessed with another child. The pregnancy brought joy to the kingdom.

One such a day started just like any other day but it ended with the loss of many lives. A monster attack. There were a lot of weird-looking creatures haunting whoever they found. The royal guards lost their lives too, leaving behind Seokjin their only son.

A monster attack is a plan to make kingdom people perceive it as nothing but an attack from the monsters to haunt the pure-blood wolves.

First Queen Kim Hyeon is a hybrid, one of her parents is a pure-blood Wolf. She always got fascinated with her pure-blood wolf parent magics and the powers. She always wanted to have them but she couldn't because her blood was not pure. She could accept it. If her half blood is not pure then she will drink the blood and get the pure blood which can bring her power.

She involved herself in activities that could educate her more regarding the pure-blood wolves. Every day her fascination gave her the wings to achieve it. Every day her craving to become powerful immensely increased, if you end up knowing some of the pure blood omegas do carry immortal power then what you will do? Kim Hyeon knew what she wanted, that pure blood omega blood, she could do anything to get it. She couldn't control her anger as nothing happened when she ended up killing her pure-blood parent to drink her blood.

Then she decided to create pure blood omega by marrying a pure-blood alpha. She lost her sanity to even think about what she was doing. She married the king to get near to the attractive pure-blood alpha in that kingdom. When she approaches Kim Nam Gil with her seduction she gets rejected because that stupid alpha is in love. Oh, there are uncountable things she did to break their marriage and kill the omega but no, she couldn't do anything.

That's when she started learning all the black magic because she understood fighting pure-blood wolves is not an easy pill. She became calmer and more appealing to people. She started winning people's and kings' hearts. When she gets to know Seokjin is about to be born all she wants is to kill the let's and drink that blood but no. No way she could kill him without the pure blood behind him. So she planned to get rid of his parents. Killing a pup is easy she thought.

With the help of her magic, she made a monster attack on the kingdom, and she succeeded in killing her targets. Oh well, she never liked the second queen because she got the same position as her in the palace and it's not acceptable so she thought of killing her and unborn. She thought of taking Taehyung down too, her blood because it should be natural and nobody would suspect her. She succeeded with the two birds but she couldn't believe a child could split the sword she sent towards the Taehyung. A just look from him the sword split into pieces.

Kim Seok-jin, pure blood omega, the rarest creature who was born with immortality. The first queen wants his blood at whatever cost.

But her dreams got shaken when the king decided to send Kim Seokjin who is an orphan after the attack to his original place where his grandparents reside for his safety.

She played cool enough to make the king believe that Seokjin is Taehyung's shield if he thinks about Seokjin's life who will think about Taehyung's? Their son, precious prince. Of course, the love for their blood was strong, so the king went against all his morals and kept Seokjin back in the kingdom.

The very day Queen Mother started her plan but her every plan started failing too. Namjoon, Taehyung, and even Jungkook became his shield in one or the other way. She knows how he should succeed in her plans before Seokjin knows about his power and background.

the kingdom doesn't have any pure-blood wolves left out after the attack, some were dead and some left the kingdom. Now kingdom forgot about that rarest creature until the king's death. King knew now nobody could help his kingdom more than those pure-blood omegas he didn't want his kingdom to go through hell because of his selfishness. The night he prepared the will he knew Seokjin going to save the kingdom.

So finally a new chapter

The background story is here. Sorry for my inconsistency. I don't why I always do this to my stories, It must be annoying to get a lot of updates on the chapters. Put up with me because I am cute. 🥰

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